9 troubleshooting firmware update problems – HP Insight Control Software for Linux User Manual
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23.9 Troubleshooting firmware update problems
The following table provides the actions to correct a firmware update task failure.
Corrective Actions
Perform the appropriate action:
Examine the Task Results
If the task failed on any step other than the firmware
step, perform the steps to correct that problem.
If the task failed on the Power Down server step,
examine the firmware update log to determine why.
You can also examine the system console; firmware
update messages are output to console.
The tar file must contain the contents of /compaq/
directory with no directory information.
Verify that any new firmware is an hpsum file.
Verify that any new .scexe file is executable.
Verify that the hpsum executable is located in the
Firmware Update Task Failed
If the task fails, the system is left up in the Insight
Control for Linux RAM disk, so that you can examine the
logs and enter commands as necessary.
23.10 Troubleshooting Insight Control for Linux repository problems
The following table describes possible causes of problems with the Insight Control for Linux
repository and provides actions to correct them.
Corrective actions
Choice of actions:
Select a different item from the repository.
Restore the item to the repository:
Select Options
→IC-Linux→Manage Repository.
Add the item.
Copy files for the item to the specified directory,
as needed.
Selected Repository Item Is Missing
A selected item is no longer in the repository. Another
user may have removed it.
Verify that the correct files are present in the appropriate
subdirectory. If not, use the
→IC-Linux→Manage Repository tool to restore
the missing files.
Repository Item Is Missing Files
An item selected from the Insight Control for Linux
Repository does not have the proper files in the
appropriate subdirectories.