3 lo100 management processor credential storage – HP Insight Control Software for Linux User Manual
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Select OK. Discovering and setting up servers with virtual media deployment
If your site uses the virtual media deployment features of Insight Control for Linux, you need
to perform these additional steps when you discover the management processors:
For the initial part of the process, create an account on the management processor being
discovered that matches the default Insight Control for Linux MP credentials.
Use the HP SIM discovery tool to discover the management processor.
Use the Network Configuration Editor tool to define the network information for the server
being discovered. The first time this tool is run against this management processor, Insight
Control for Linux will use the default MP credentials to access the MP and collect NIC
information about the server. For more information on using this tool, see
Configuration Editor” (page 31)
Use the Options
→IC-Linux→Initiate Bare Metal Discovery tool to discover the server
using the virtual media bare-metal discovery process. Insight Control for Linux uses the
default MP credentials to access the MP for this procedure.
After the bare-metal discovery is complete, set unique credentials on the MP and update
the local data on the CMS to match them:
Launch the Configure
→Management Processor→Credentials... tool.
Select the management processor.
Select Edit.
Enter the new user name.
Enter the password then re-enter it to verify.
Ensure that the Update only local credentials box is unchecked.
Select OK.
The tool will log into the management processor, set the new user name and password, and
update the local credential store.
If the user name of the new unique credentials differs from the global MP user name, you
must log into the management processor to manually remove the old global account. If the
user names are the same, that password will have been modified and this step is unnecessary
You now have unique credentials on the management processor and no further credentials
update is necessary unless you need to perform a subsequent bare-metal discovery on the server
or update the embedded NIC information in the Network Configuration Editor. In those cases,
you will need to reinstate the global credentials on the management processor.
22.1.3 LO100 management processor credential storage
The LO100 management processor supports fifteen users; it stores the credentials for these users
in slots 2 through 15. The following command lists all the users, enabled and disabled, for an
LO100 management processor with the following command; these :
# ipmitool -I lanplus -U username -P passwd -H lo100 name="" user list
The output is a list of users 2-16.
Because it is not possible to determine from the output of the ipmitool command which users
are active, Insight Control for Linux takes the following approach to adding users.
During bare-metal discovery, if credentials should be set, Insight Control for Linux searches
the list of users.
If there is an existing enabled user whose name matches the user name given in the new
credentials, the user's password is changed to match the new credential.
If no match is found, the new credentials are placed in the first slot without an enabled user,
starting with slot 16 and working backwards.
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