Preferences: color palettes, Preferences: calibration, 4 preferences: color palettes – HP Radio Frequency Planner Software Series User Manual

Page 104: 5 preferences: calibration

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HP RF Planner User Guide


The prevention and detection thresholds are different for different protocols. The above screen enables you to set the
prevention and detection threshold values for these protocols.

Sensor View Settings

Protocol: Select a protocol from the drop-down list.

The right pane of the screen displays the detection and prevention fields for the selected protocol.

Detection Threshold: Specify the lowest signal strength below which the Sensor must not consider any
signal for computing the detection range in the 802.11 (a, b/g, a/n, b/g/n) protocol. If you are doing a
conservative Sensor placement, specify a higher cut-off value.

Prevention Threshold: Specify the values for Low Reliability, Med Reliability, and High Reliability. The
Reliability slider takes from these values in the Prevention View for the respective protocol. For example, if
you set the Reliability slider to Low, Planner uses the low reliability threshold value.

(Minimum: -90 dBm; Maximum: 0 dBm; Default: -85 dBm)

8.2.4 Preferences: Color Palettes

Go to SettingsPreferencesColor Palettes, the Color Palettes tab appears.

Figure 131.

Preferences – Color Palettes

Select Color Palette for: Select an RF view from the drop-down list, for which you want to set the color palette.

Color Index (dBm): Double-click the color index to change the color palette settings.

8.2.5 Preferences: Calibration

Go to SettingsPreferencesCalibration, the Calibration tab appears.

Figure 132.

Preferences – Calibration