Chapter 8 settings, 1 settings: invoking from tools menu, 2 settings: preferences – HP Radio Frequency Planner Software Series User Manual

Page 102: Chapter 8, Settings, Ettings, Nvoking from, Ools, References, Preferences: layout designer

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HP RF Planner User Guide


Chapter 8



Settings: Invoking from Tools Menu

Figure 127.

Settings: Invoking from Tools Menu

The Settings window contains the following:


AP Defaults

Sensor Defaults


Settings: Preferences

Go to SettingsPreferences, the Preferences screen opens in the Layout Designer tab.

Figure 128.

Preferences – Layout Designer

8.2.1 Preferences: Layout Designer

The Layout Designer allows you to perform the following functions on the Layout Designer.

Tolerance: Specify the tolerance in the range of 1 to 20. For example, if you click the mouse 20 pixels away from the
declared tolerance value, the cursor will select the device.