3 planner: a complete wlan planning solution, 4 deliverables from planner, 5 planner: benefits – HP Radio Frequency Planner Software Series User Manual

Page 10: Lanner, Omplete, Wlan, Lanning, Olution, Eliverables from, Enefits

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Table of Contents

HP RF Planner User Guide



Planner: A Complete WLAN Planning Solution

Planner makes the task of WLAN planning simple. Its easy-to-use interface provides rich visibility into security exposure, RF
coverage, channel allocation, and available link speed in WLANs. This ensures security, high reliability, and optimal
configuration of WLANs.

Planner provides the following:

Advanced prediction model for Sensor and AP placement

Device database with preset options for common AP models, Sensors models

Ability to add new AP models and antennae

Building material database

Cross Floor coverage

Live AP calibration

Once you model the layout of the facility, you can place APs (Refer to

Appendix D: Glossary of Terms

) using a simple drag

and drop operation to generate RF maps and a comprehensive set of deliverables as described in the following section.


Deliverables from Planner

Site Model for future RF planning

Bill of Material (BoM) for RF Manager Sensors (Sensors)

BoM for APs and antennae

Number and location of Sensors

Number, location, and configuration of APs

Antenna types and location

RF Maps

Security View: Coverage inside the Perimeter, Coverage beyond the Perimeter, Redundancy

Access Points: Coverage, Spillage, Channel Allocation, Interference, and Redundancy

Consolidated planning report

BoM for Sensors and APs

RF maps for security coverage (Sensors)

RF maps for network (AP) coverage

With/out Customer Input

WLAN basics



.prj (project)

.zip (compressed project file in .zip format)


Planner: Benefits

Planner provides visibility into the WLAN allowing the network administrator to:

Eliminate security risks by minimizing signal spillage to protect the network.

Plan for security using Sensors to maximize detection and prevention of threats.

Reduce the Operating Expenditure (OPEX) by estimating the network performance and minimizing network
problems and on-going network maintenance through proper planning.

Reduce Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) by investing only in the required equipment and eliminating expensive site

Increase visibility for security exposure analysis and effective maintenance by understanding the impact of

Satisfy user needs by reducing network downtime and maximizing coverage, network capacity, and throughput.

Provide ‘What-If’ scenarios when there is a change in the layout or in the placement of furniture, or any addition or
deletion of WLAN equipment.

‘What-If’ analysis to migrate to 802.11n devices from the existing legacy systems.

WLAN Planning Wizard

Capacity Planning

Coverage Planning