Moves chart – HP Command View for Tape Libraries Software User Manual
Page 57
Specify the library serial number and time period.
Select a library from the drop down menu.
Select a Sample Time from the list provided. By default Last Month is selected.
A TapeAssure Advanced license is required to display the chart. If no TapeAssure
Advanced license is found, the following error message will be displayed:
Insufficient data available to plot the graph or Command View TL
TapeAssure Advanced license is not available. Please install the
Command View TL TapeAssure Advanced license for the appropriate tape
libraries. To install a license, click 'Licensing' on the left pane
and add the Command View TL TapeAssure Advanced license.
If there is no data available for a particular library or the library is using an older firmware
version the following message will be displayed:
The chart is not available for one of the following reasons:
There is not enough data for the selected time period.
The library is using an older firmware. Please upgrade firmware for
the appropriate tape libraries.
Click Plot Chart.
The Moves chart is displayed.
Moves chart
The moves chart information is displayed in both a tabular and graphical view. By default, data
is displayed in the graphical view. To see the data in the tabular view, click Go to Tabular View.
The graphical view displays the data where the Y-axis is the number of moves and the X-axis is
the Date. The X-axis displays the date according to the zoom in and zoom out range.
The date is displayed as mm/dd/yy. When grouped by months the date is displayed as mm/yy
and when grouped by year the date is displayed as yyyy. Grouping is dependant on the amount
of data available. If no support tickets are available for a particular day, the data point will not
be plotted in the graph.
Using TapeAssure