HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor Software User Manual
Page 442
Metric category
Each External RAID group
value is the sum of all the
LDEVs in all the Ext-RAID
groups in the array.
The chart displays only
one Ext-RAID Group if
configuration data is
collected through the
inband mode. The value
displayed in the chart is a
sum of all the Ext-RAID
Groups in the array.
The total frontend I/Os
made on an external
Total Sequential Reads
MB - Frontend
The total random frontend
I/Os rate on this external
volume during the entire
collection interval.
Total Random IO-Fron-
The total random frontend
reads rate on this external
volume during the entire
collection interval.
Total Random Read-Fron-
Out of the total random
frontend reads rate on this
external volume, the num-
ber of random reads
available in the cache.
Total Random Reads
Cache Hit-Frontend
The total random frontend
writes rate on this external
volume during the entire
collection interval.
Total Random Write -
The total sequential fron-
tend I/Os rate on this ex-
ternal volume over an en-
tire collection interval.
Total Sequential IO -
The total sequential fron-
tend I/Os rate on this ex-
ternal volume for a given
range of time.
Total Sequential Read -
The number of sequential
frontend reads serviced
from the cache in terms of
the I/Os rate on this ex-
ternal volume.
Total Sequential Reads
Cache Hit - Frontend
The total sequential fron-
tend write rate for this ex-
ternal volume over a giv-
en time interval.
Total Sequential Write -
It is the ratio of the total
frontend I/Os occurring
on a ThP pool versus the
total backend tracks asso-
ciated with a ThP pool.
Frontend Vs. Backend Hit
The total frontend I/Os
rate on this LDEV over a
given time period.
LDEV Total IO – Frontend
Metric Category, metrics, and descriptions