Viewing alarm history records, Alarm history, Alarm history screen – HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor Software User Manual
Page 151: Figure

While configuring an alarm, if you set threshold and dispatch settings but do not enable the alarm
for a component, P9000 Performance Advisor does not monitor that component and generate an
alarm when required.
In every data collection cycle, P9000 Performance Advisor retrieves and compares the current
performance value of a component with the set threshold value. The time when this value was retrieved
and compared is shown under Time Updated. If the current performance value exceeds the set threshold
value, P9000 Performance Advisor does the following:
Posts a new record and displays the time of posting under Time Posted
Dispatches an alarm notification of type, P9000 Alarm to the intended recipient
Displays the time of dispatch under Time Dispatched
Monitors the component till its performance value drops below the set threshold value
Updates the time of monitoring under Time Updated
The time shown under Time Updated is in sync with the data collection cycle frequency.
If the performance value of a component drops below the set threshold value, P9000 Performance
Advisor does the following:
Posts a new record and displays the time of posting under Time Posted
Dispatches an alarm notification of type, P9000 Alarm – Good Information alarm to the intended
Displays the time of dispatch under Time Dispatched
Monitors the component continuously to verify whether its performance is within or beyond the
set threshold level
Viewing alarm history records
The following are the column headings under which alarms history records are displayed. At a time,
the Alarms History table can display only 100 records:
Figure 9 Alarm History
Table 7 Viewing alarm History records
Screen elements
Displays the current state of an alarm: Recovery Alarm
or Serious Alarm.
Alarm State
HP StorageWorks P9000 Performance Advisor Software User Guide