HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor Software User Manual
Page 183

Based on the XP or the P9000 disk array for which you want to import its performance data,
select the relevant file from the list displayed in the Archive Import section.
For example, PA53036_12OCT2008_20.07.32_1217826540130_1217826600138.DMP
translates to %PADB_HOME% in this context of importing data.
Click Import. Based on whether the import is for an XP or a P9000 disk array, P9000 Performance
Advisor does the following:
Displays an informational message that the import for the selected XP or the P9000 disk
array is successfully initiated.
Imports performance data from the .dmp files of the following types:
• tion_interval_timestamp>_ OR • tion_interval_timestamp>_ c. Logs two records under Import data for the date and time when the import is complete. d. Displays the names of the two .dmp files that are imported, under File Name. 5. Perform a fresh configuration data collection for the XP or the P9000 disk array on the Importing archived data to another management station To import the archived data to another management station: 1. Copy both the .dmp files for an XP or a P9000 disk array from the source management station 2. Follow steps 1 – 5 provided for importing data to the same management station. For more Importing archived data to the same management station The above-mentioned procedure is also applicable, if you are accessing the target management Related Topics HP StorageWorks P9000 Performance Advisor Software User Guide 183
management station, where you have imported the performance data. For more information on
performing configuration data collection, see “
to the following location on the target management station:
information, see
station over the web (http(s)://[server name].[domain name]/pa).