Yokogawa RotaMASS 3-Series User Manual

Page 60

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IM 01R04B05-00E-E 3rd edition July 30, 2010 -00

all Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2005, Rota Yokogawa

Concentration measurement for liquids
the Standard Concentration Measurement (option /CSt)
is suitable for concentration measurement of emulsions or
suspensions, where the density of the solid is assumed to
be fix. It can also be used for (mainly low concentration)
solutions if the two fluids are not strongly interacting. the
density change of the liquid components due to temperature
can normally be described with a linear or quadratic function
with very high accuracy within the desired measurement
range. the coefficients of these function (linear and
quadratic thermal expansion coefficients) must be either
known or have to be determined prior to using this function.
For interacting liquids the advanced Concentration
Measurement options should be used, these options
can be ordered using the appropriate /Cxx concentration
measurement option. For more information please see
tI 01R04B04-04E-E “Concentration Measurement with

rupture disk
the rupture disk is used as annunciation method in the
case of tube rupture preferable for high pressure gas ser-
vice. Practically a tube rupture of RotaMaSS is not known
to the manufacturer. For large sizes it cannot be expected
that the full line pressure can be released via the rupture
disk. If this is requested please contact Yokogawa for a
special execution.

density measurement
We offer 3 levels of density measurement. the standard
adjustment (also /K4) delivers an accuracy up to 0.001 g/
cm³, if the fluid density is around 1 kg/l. However, at elevated
temperatures the density error may increase. For option
/K4 the instrument is preheated ensuring long term stability.
However, if high density stability is needed at high tem-
peratures option /Ht is recommended. option /K6 includes
preheating, a full calibration at 3 different densities, increased
temperature measurement specification and individual ad-
justment of the fluid temperature dependency. For more
information please see tI 01R04B04-05E ”Density Measure-
ment with RotaMaSS”.
overview density-/volume flow measurement:







± 0.0015 g/cm³ to
± 0.008 g/cm³

Standard (mass flow)
factory calibration

- Standard adjustment with water and air
- Density constants given in mass flow

- Process medium and environment are
approximately at room temperature, the density
range is 0.9 kg/l to 1.1 kg/l

option /K4

± 0.001 g/cm³

Standard (mass flow)
factory calibration

- thermal treatment of the sensor and
special hardware design
- Standard adjustment with water and air
- Density constants given in mass flow

- Improved volume flow accuracy
- Process medium up to 150°C, for higher
temperature select option /Ht
- Density range is 0.9 kg/l to 1.1 kg/l

option /K6

± 0.0005 g/cm³

Separate factory
density calibration

- thermal treatment of the sensor and
special hardware design
- Density calibration with 3 different liquids
- Individual adjustment of the fluid
temperature dependency

- Density and concentration measurement in
addition to the mass flow:
- Process medium up to 150°C, for higher
temperature select option /Ht
- Density range 0.3 kg/l to 2 kg/l
- Best volume flow accuracy

Explosion proof concept and option /HP
the detector is intrinsically safe, the converter flame
(explosion) proof (RCCF31). the driving power from
converter to detector is limited and protected by a barrier,
which is part of the converter. the barrier is protecting the
detector either for gas group IIC or IIB (option /HP). With
option /HP the detector driving power is higher which is
benefit to 2 phase flow. this is also true for non hazardous
option /KF4, /EF4, /uF4 delivers intrinsic safe FounDatIon
Fieldbus output, however the converter is flame (explosion)