10 new program folder, 11 integrating into super32, 12 installing the micro-tools license keys – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53MT6000 Micro-Tools User Manual

Page 33: Section 3.4.10

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Installation 17

If you clicked the Browse button, enter both the drive and directory you want to use as the
destination directory in the Choose Directory field.

If the directory does not exist, Setup will ask you if it should be created. If this window
appears, click the Yes button.

Click the Next button.

A Setup window with a progress bar appears and the files begin to install.

The Select Program Folder window appears. Select the program Folder you want the
program icons added to. The MicroTools folder is selected by default as the folder for the
program icons. You can accept the default, select an existing program folder, or type a new
program folder.

Click the Next button and follow the prompts until the installation is completed.

3.4.10 New Program Folder

The Micro-Tools Setup program then creates the Micro-Tools program folder and
automatically adds the appropriate icons for the Micro-Tools product.

3.4.11 Integrating Into Super32

Micro-Tools can be registered to be the default configuration program for MC5000 controllers
in the Super32 Micro-DCI network management utility.

When asked if Micro-Tools should be integrated into Super32, select Yes to register Micro-
Tools as the default configuration program or No to use the Super32's basic MC5000
configuration program.

3.4.12 Installing the Micro-Tools License Keys

Setup will launch the Micro-DCI License Administration program to enter your license keys.
Skip this step by, closing the license window, if the license keys were previously installed.

Select Add new license... from the License menu.

In the License Administration dialog, type in your license information for each license key
one at a time. Be certain to enter all information exactly as it appears. Click Save and this
information will be verified and written to the license file. If the information entered is not
correct, a pop-up message box will appear and the information will have to be corrected.

The following license keys are used:

udci - licenses Micro-DCI Communication Services for 300 tags

udciunlim - licenses Micro-DCI Communication Services for unlimited tags

microtools -

microtools1 - supplied with basic functionality version
microtools2 - supplied with full functionality Micro-PWC add-on
microtools3 - supplied with full functionality stand-alone


If re-installing Micro-Tools, an information window alerts you that
the microtools.exe file already exists; click ok. If it exists in the
same location you are installing to, you can choose to overwrite the
file or keep the previous version.