Micromod Micro-DCI: 53MT6000 Micro-Tools User Manual
Page 105
Database Editor 89
There are restrictions on the maximum number of L & C type data that can be read. Refer to the PLC
Instruction Manual for details.
Read Function
The Function Code is used to describe the type of data to be read
from the PLC. [DDIA = B669, DDIB = B645]
1 = Read Output Status (L type data)
2 = Read Input Status (L type data)
3 = Read Holding Resisters (C type data, PLC registers may
contain L-values)
4 = Read Input Registers (C type data, PLC registers may
contain L-values)
PLC Error - Read:
Exception Response Code sent from the PLC. [DDIA = B671, DDIB
= B647]
01 = Illegal function, not a valid function code
02 = Illegal Data Address, not an allowable address
03 = Illegal Data Value, the fetch quantity requested is not
04 = Failure in Associated Device, the slave failed to respond to
the message
05 = Acknowledge, the slave has accepted and is processing a
long duration command
06 = Busy, Rejected Message, the slave is busy processing a
long duration command
07 = NAK, Negative acknowledgement, the program function just
requested can not be performed
Comm Error - Read:
This Error Code is used to report messages related to the
communication message. [DDIA = B672, DDIB = B648]
0 = no errors
251 = 53MC5000 hardware malfunction
252 = 53MC5000 hardware malfunction
253 = bad message, a bad message indicates that errors were
found in the predictable portion of the message
254 = bad checksum, the message frame is not properly
255 = timeout error, no message came back from the PLC
Comm Error Count -
This is a running total of the PLC Error that are not successful (PLC
Error other than 00). [DDIA = B673, DDIB = B649]
Unit Address - Write: This is the address of the PLC to be accessed. [DDIA = B674, DDIB
= B650]
Starting Memory
Address - Write:
This is the beginning memory address for writing data to the PLC.
All subsequent write memory locations are referenced from the
starting location as contiguous words of data. The written data is
mapped from the controller database into the PLC in exactly the
same order. This is a decimal number that is converted and stored
as two bytes in the controller database. [DDIA = B675 &B676, DDIB
= B651 & B652]