Micromod Micro-DCI: 53MT6000 Micro-Tools User Manual
Page 108
92 Database Editor
Set Up Error:
This index number refers to a problem with the read or write setup
parameters [DDIA = B684, DDIB = B660]. These errors cause DDI
operation to halt.
10 = Scan time is at 0
Scan Time
This index number is used to specify the time period for the read and
write phases of the controller to PLC communications. Enter a
number from 1 to 255 (0.1 to 25.5 seconds). [DDIA = B685, DDIB =
Scan Overruns:
This counter is incremented each time the read-write phases exceed
the specified scan time. If the counter is incrementing, the
communication transfer is not being completed in the allotted time.
The Scan Time should be increased. [DDIA = B686, DDIB = B662]
PLC Error:
Exception Response Code sent from the PLC. [DDIA = B671, DDIB =
01 = Illegal function, not a valid function code.
02 = Illegal Data Address, not an allowable address.
03 = Illegal Data Value, the fetch quantity requested is not allowed.
Comm Error:
This Error Code is used to report messages related to the
communication message. [DDIA = B672, DDIB = B648]
0 = no errors
251 = 53MC5000 hardware malfunction
252 = 53MC5000 hardware malfunction
253 = bad message, a bad message indicates that errors were
found in the predictable portion of the message
254 = bad checksum, the message frame is not properly formatted
255 = timeout error, no message came back from the PLC
Comm Error Count:
This is a running total of the PLC Error Error that are not successful
(PLC Error other than 00). [DDIA = B673, DDIB = B649]