Micromod Micro-DCI: 53MT6000 Micro-Tools User Manual
Page 114
98 Database Editor
Set UP:
This designates the data format transfer protocol. Clicking on the
"down arrow" reveals a list of three selections; these are [DDIA =
B293, DDIB = B459]:
8, 1, NO
8, 1, EVEN
8, 1, ODD
Set Up Error:
This index number refers to a problem with the read or write setup
parameters [DDIA = B684, DDIB = B660]. These errors cause DDI
operation to halt.
0 = No error
1 = L-words to read greater then 32
2 = C-words to read greater than 64
3 = L-words to write greater than 32
4 = C-words to write greater than 64
5 = Memory type not 31
10 = Scan time is at 0
Scan Time
This index number is used to specify the time period for the read and
write phases of the controller to PLC communications. Enter a
number from 1 to 255 (0.1 to 25.5 seconds). [DDIA = B685, DDIB =
Scan Overruns:
This counter is incremented each time the read-write phases exceed
the specified scan time. If the counter is incrementing, the
communication transfer is not being completed in the allotted time.
The Scan Time should be increased. [DDIA = B686, DDIB = B662]
Unit Address - Read: This is the address of the PLC to be accessed. [DDIA = B664, DDIB =
Starting Memory
Address - Read:
This is the beginning memory address for reading data from the PLC.
All subsequent memory locations are referenced from the starting
location as contiguous words of data. The data that is read is mapped
into the controller database in the exact same order. This is a decimal
number that is converted and stored as two bytes in the controller
database. [DDIA = B665 &B666, DDIB = B641 & B642]
Words of L to Read:
Beginning with the Starting memory address, this is the number of
Logical data words to be accessed from the PLC. Logical data from
the PLC is read as words of data and stored in the controller’s
database as "L" type data. Individual L data values can then be
accessed by the controller. If no Logical type data is to be read, this
value should be set to zero. [DDIA = B667, DDIB = B643]
Words of C to Read: Immediately following the Logical words of data, the floating point
words of data are read. Floating-point or integer data from the PLC is
read as words of data and stored in the controller’s database as "C"
type data. If no floating-point or integer data is to be read, this value
should be set to zero. [DDIA = B668, DDIB = B644]
Memory Type:
This byte must be a 31. [DDIA = B669, DDIB = B645]