Micromod Micro-DCI: 53SL6000 Single Loop Controller User Manual
Page 97

8.5.4 DO2 - Secondary PV Low
Alarm Contact Out
D02 is closed (on) when the secondary process
variable value is not within the loop 1 process
alarm limit 2 (PL2) setting.
Applicable parameter that may require configura-
tion change:
Section 5.6, ProG-do-inV2.
8.5.5 DI1 - Force Control Output
Contact Input
This is a closed contact or low active signal (0-1 V
dc). When a closed contact or 0-1 V dc signal is
present on this input, the control output value is
applied to the value of Ai7 (the control scheme D
input accepts the force control value and cS.d is
defaulted to select Ai7).
Applicable parameters that may require configura-
tion changes:
To enter a Force Output value in register Ai7:
Section 5.2, ProG-Ai-Ai.7 or oPEr-Ai7.
8.5.6 DI2 - Cascade Enable Contact
When a low signal (0-1 V dc) is present on this
input and R (Remote) is selected with the R/L push
button, it enables cascade operation. The R LED
flashes if the R/L push button is pressed and this
signal is not low to enable cascade control.
Applicable parameter that may require configura-
tion change:
8.5.7 Primary Output (the Setpoint
into the Secondary Loop)
The output of the primary loop is internally fed into
the secondary loop as the setpoint for that loop;
therefore, there is no signal connector designator.
Applicable parameters that may require configura-
tion changes:
Section 7.7, conF-cn.2-(oh, oL, hML, oSr, rSW,
For control related prompts:
Section 7.7, conF-cn.2-(ir, iLr, Mr).
Sections 7.7, 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4, conF-cn.2-(Pb, tr,
8.5.8 AO1 - Control Output
This is the 4-20 mA signal that drives the final
control element.
Applicable parameters that may require configura-
tion changes:
Section 7.7, conF-cn.1-(oh, oL, hML, oSr, rSW,
For control related prompts:
Section 7.7, conF-cn.1-(ir, iLr, Mr).
Sections 7.7, 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4, conF-cn.1-(Pb, tr,
8.5.9 SchM Selection
Cascade control is implemented with the controller
default settings and cASc (cascade control) se-
lected from the SchM prompt of the cS module.
Applicable parameter that may require configura-
tion changes:
Section 7.6, ProG-cS-SchM.
53SL6000 Instruction Manual
Section 8. Eight Control Strategies