3 prgm mode – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53SL6000 Single Loop Controller User Manual

Page 53

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To ensure the piecewise approximation specifies a
realizable function, the values for the coordinate
inputs, which are stored in characterizer constants
K1 through K13, must be monotonically increasing
(each coordinate value is larger than the preceding
one). There is no such dependency for the output
coordinate values K14 through K26.

Whenever the A input value falls outside all of the
line segments, the characterizer’s digital output
value is set to a logical 1; otherwise, the digital
output value is always a logical 0. The correspond-
ing output value for an A input outside all of the line
segments can be determined by extending either
the first or the last segment, as required.

An example of coordinate pair constant assign-
ments is illustrated in the following table and figure:


A Input

Analog Output


K1 = 0.0

K14 = 0.0


K2 = 1.0

K15 = 1.0


K3 = 2.0

K16 = 4.0


K4 = 3.0

K17 = 9.0


K5 = 4.0

K18 = 16.0


K6 = 5.0

K19 = 25.0


K7 = 6.0

K20 = 36.0


K8 = 7.0

K21 = 49.0


K9 = 8.0

K22 = 64.0


K10 = 9.0

K23 = 81.0


K11 = 10.0

K24 = 100.0


K12 = 11.0

K25 = 121.0


K13 = 12.0

K26 = 144.0

6.2.3 PrGM Mode

The characterizer programmer mode allows the
user to define an analog output which depends on
the oPEr-StEP parameter value, the elapsed time
since the current step was entered, the target value
of the StEP, and the target value of the previous
StEP. A typical application for programmer mode
is a setpoint ramp and hold sequence generator.

Thirteen steps can be defined with the charac-
terizer constants K1 through K26. Constants K1
through K13 are configured with the time interval
(0-9999 seconds) required for the target value to
b e r eached at each step and constants K14
through K26 are configured with the target analog
output values for each of the steps. During each
step the characterizer’s analog output ramps from
the target value of the previous step to the target
value of the current step. The current step target
value is reached just as the time interval for that
step expires. One exception is the first step, which
has no previous target, and therefore, outputs the
target value for the entire interval.

The characterizer’s digital output is a logical zero
value throughout the execution of the step se-
quence. At completion of the last (thirteenth) step,
the digital value is set to a logical one to indicate
completion of the sequence.

The A input is not used in this mode. The two
digital inputs, B and C, are used as follows:

The C input forces both the StEP and interval
timer values to zero whenever it is a logical
zero value.

The B input value specifies whether the inter-
val timer is running (B input = logical 1) or
stopped (B input = logical 0).

The parameter oPEr-StEP allows the operator to
view the current step value and to manually ad-
vance or return to any step in the sequence.

A setpoint programmer ramp and hold sequence,
followed by a summary table and illustration, fol-

Load K1-K13 with the time duration intervals
and load K14-K26 with the desired setpoint
value at each interval.

Access chr.M of the chr module and set it to

Access chr.A of the chr module and ensure it is
set to cS.b.

Section 6. Signal Value Modification

53SL6000 Instruction Bulletin
