Appendix a: glossary – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53SL6000 Single Loop Controller User Manual

Page 112

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This analog input signal is
added to the PID result to
form the control scheme out-
put value when auto opera-
tion is active.


A control strategy whereby
the controller acts as an auto-
matic back-up device in the
event a host computor con-
trolling the process fails. This
c o n t r o l s t r a t e g y i s i m p l e-
mented with the factory de-
fault settings, by selecting the
SnGL prompt for the ProG-
cS-SchM parameter, and with
p a t h c o n n e c t i o n s u s e d t o
drive the final element output

Input (AI)

An input that accepts a 0-20
mA or a 4-20 mA signal. The
53SL6000 controller has two
standard analog inputs and
can accept two optional ana-
log inputs via the universal
analog input module.


Analog input registers 1-4 re-
ceive their hardware input
analog values after signal
conditioning has been applied
t o t h e a n a l o g i n p u t s 1 - 4 .
(Hardware input to analog in-
puts 3 and 4 requires the op-
tional universal analog input
module.) Constant values
can be entered into all of the
analog registers 1-8; how-
ever, if the register has an ac-
t i v e h a r d w a r e i n p u t , t h e
constant value will be over-

Output (AO)

A standard 0-20 mA or 4-20
mA analog signal is trans-
m i t t e d b y t h e c o n t r o l l e r
through analog output 1. It is
defined as a percent of output
value (percent of final control
element excursion from mini-
mum to maximum).


A control strategy whereby
the controller acts as a signal
pass-through device when in
a u t o , w i t h c a p a b i l i t i e s t o
manually provide a control
o utput if necessary. This
c o n t r o l s t r a t e g y i s i m p l e-
mented in the 53SL6000 con-
troller with the factory default
settings and by selecting the
in.Ld prompt for the ProG-cS-
SchM parameter.


An LED ladder used to dis-
play percent. The 53SL6000
contr oller has two vertical
b a r s , e a c h c o n t a i n i n g 4 0
LEDs: red, which is used pri-
marily to display the process
variable; and green, which is
used primarily to display the


A 53SL6000 functional unit
t ha t provides signal value
modification via any one of
four operating modes: third
order polynomial, twelve seg-
m e n t l i n e a r , s e t p o i n t p r o-
g r a m m e r , a n d d i g i t a l - t o -
analog converter.


Refers to the 53SL6000 con-
t r o l u n i t d e s c r i b e d in th is
manual. Primarily, it is a de-
vice used to maintain process
q ui es ce nc e a t a pr e de te r-
mined setpoint level.


The control scheme is the
f u n d a m e n t a l f u n c t i o n a l i t y
needed to calculate and pro-
duce the necessary output
control signal. There are five
control schemes provided in
the 53SL6000 controller that
can be used as the basis for
m a n y c o n t r o l s t r a t e g i e s .
Each control scheme applies
to a unique area of process

SnGL - for control strategies

Appendix A: Glossary

Appendix A. Glossary

53SL6000 Instruction Manual
