Micromod Micro-DCI: 53SL6000 Single Loop Controller User Manual
Page 113

requiring standard single loop
cASc - for control strategies
requiring cascade functional-
L.LiM - for control strategies
requiring low limiting function-
h.LiM - for control strategies
requiring high limiting func-
in.Ld - for control strategies
r e q u i r i n g i n d i c a t o r / l o a d e r
A 53SL6000 controller mode
of operation specified with a
selected control scheme, pa-
rameters, and path connec-
tions designed to meet the
specific application needs of
a controlled process.
Action (td)
Derivative action (td) is used
for quick attainment of stabil-
ity after sudden process dis-
t u r b a n c e s . I t a u g m e n t s
p r o p o r t i o n a l a c t i o n b y r e-
s p o n d i n g t o t h e r a t e o f
change of the process vari-
able. Derivative action is en-
tered as the time proportional
action is advanced, from 0.01
minutes (minimum action) to
8 minutes (maximum action);
0 is off.
An LED field used to display
a l p h a n u m e r i c s . T h e
5 3 S L 6 0 0 0 c o n t r o l l e r h a s
three dros: red, which is a
four character field used pri-
marily for the process vari-
a b l e v a l u e i n e n g i n e e r i ng
units; green, which is a four
character field used primarily
for the setpoint value in engi-
n ee r ing units; and yellow,
which is a three character
field used primarily for the
output value expressed as a
percentage of the final control
element excursion or operat-
ing band.
A n op er a ti ng mode of the
characterizer whereby values
are entered into chr parame-
t e r c o n s t a n t s K 1 a n d K 2 ,
which are used as multipliers
for the digital inputs at chr.b
and chr.c respectively. The
p r o d u c t o f ( c h r . b ) ( K 1 ) i s
added to the characterizer
b a s e v a l u e ( n o t u s e r a c-
cessable) and the product of
(chr.c)(K2) is subtracted from
the characterizer base value.
It is the interaction of these
two inputs, chr.b and chr.c on
the base that causes the ana-
log output
Input (DI)
Discrete inputs 1-4 are input
enables that can also be used
as event indicators to gener-
ate logic levels based on the
applied input voltage. (Dis-
crete inputs 3 and 4 require
the 2DI/2DO option module.)
The remainder of the discrete
inputs 5-8 do not receive in-
puts from external sources.
Output (DO)
Discrete outputs 1-4 convert
logic levels to hardware con-
tact conditions. ( Discr ete
outputs 3 and 4 require the
optional 2DI/2DO module.)
The remainder of the discrete
outputs 5-8 do not provide ex-
ternal outputs from the con-
T h e 5 3 S L 6 0 0 0 c o n t r o l l e r
functionality for the faceplate
push buttons and LEDs.
Indicator with
A control strategy whereby
two analog inputs can be dis-
played and either one can be
selected as the re-transmitted
output. This control strategy
is implemented with the fac-
tory default settings and by
selecting the in.Ld prompt for
ProG-cS-SchM parameter.
T h e 5 3 S L 6 0 0 0 c o n t r o l l e r
automatic tuning algorithm
that approximates a first or-
der time lag with gain and
dead-time to determine the
53SL6000 Instruction Manual
Appendix A. Glossary