Micromod Micro-DCI: 53SL6000 Single Loop Controller User Manual
Page 23

Figure 2-5. Signal Plug
Figure 2-6. Signal Plug Connections
NOTE 1: Shielded signal cable (two-wire) should
be used in electrically noisy locations.
NOTE 2: Signal transmission distance must not
exceed the limit specified for the particular
transmitter (refer to the applicable technical
literature provided with the respective device).
NOTE 3: Correct polarity must be observed when
connecting remote transmitters to the controller.
2.5.1 Analog Inputs AI1 and AI2
In Figure 2-6, AI1 is connected to a transmitter that
requires power from the controller. Both, AI1
and/or AI2 can be connected to transmitters that
require controller power provided the total required
power does not exceed the specifications stated for
the transmitter supply in Section 1.3. The current
path for AI1 is from +24V to the + transmitter input,
through the transmitter element, out of the trans-
mitter (-), to the AI1 plug connection, across the
internal 250 ohm (0.1%) voltage dropping resistor,
and down to Common.
In Figure 2-6, AI2 is connected to a transmitter type
that has its own power source and does not require
power from the controller. This transmitter type
can be connected to both AI1 and/or AI2. The
current path for AI2 is from the transmitter current
out (Io), to the AI2 plug connection, across the
internal 250 ohm (0.1%) voltage dropping resistor,
out the plug Common connection, to the transmitter
Common connection.
Notice in Figure 2-6 that the signal cable shields
are connected to the backplane shield stud.
2.5.2 Discrete Outputs DO1 and DO2
Only DO1 is shown connected in Figure 2-6; con-
nections to DO2 are identical. A discrete output
resistive load does not require transient suppres-
sion; however, reactive loads do to prevent coil
ringing or spiking from feeding back into the con-
troller. The required diode shown as the suppres-
sion device is circuit dependent (typical: a 24V, 430
ohm, dc coil relay would require a 1N4003 diode).
2.5.3 Discrete Inputs DI1 and DI2
Only DI2 is shown connected in Figure 2-6; con-
nections to DI1 are identical. In the figure, the
discrete input solid state circuitry is depicted as a
signal contact that opens or closes (logic states) in
response to input voltage levels (the discrete inputs
also work with dry contacts:
100 ohms is closed
5000 ohms is open).
2.5.4 Analog Output AO1
In Figure 2-6, the control output device is con-
nected across the AO1 and COM lugs. Signal cur-
rent passes from the AO1 connection, through the
device and back to Common. Control output de-
vice response to alter process operation is de-
penedent upon the analog signal amplitude.
53SL6000 Instruction Manual
Section 2. Installation and Power-Up Procedures