Micromod Micro-DCI: 53SL6000 Single Loop Controller User Manual
Page 116

e s c e n t p r o c e s s o p e r a t i n g
A n op er a ti ng mode of the
characterizer that allows 13
time intervals to be defined
with ProG-chr parameter con-
stants K1-K13. Values en-
t e r e d i n t o c h r p a r a m e t e r
constants K14-K26 are the
ramp values for each of the
time intervals.
A control strategy whereby
t he controller response to
process changes is enhanced
by using two loops for an oth-
erwise single loop applica-
tion. The primary loop, which
calculates a deviation output
f r o m a s l o we r r e s p o n di ng
process provides the input
setpoint to a secondary loop.
The secondary loop calcu-
lates a deviation output from
the primary loop setpoint in-
put and a process variable
f r o m a f a s t e r r e s p o n d i n g
process to alter the final con-
trol element position. This in
turn affects the slower re-
sponding process and ulti-
m a t e l y t h e p r i m a r y l o o p
s et po in t o utput. Cascade
control is much tighter than
single loop control, as the sin-
gle loop would calculate a de-
viation only from a predefined
setpoint and a process vari-
able from the slower respond-
ing pr ocess. This control
strategy is implemented in the
53SL6000 controller with the
factory default settings and
b y s e l e c t i n g c A S c f or t he
ProG-cS-SchM parameter.
A control strategy whereby
two loops, primary and limit-
ing, operate interdependently
to control a final single ele-
ment. With this strategy, nei-
ther variable may exceed a
safe limit. The primary loop
is in control unless its output
tries to exceed the high or low
limit defined by the limiting
loop. If the high limit is ex-
ceeded, the controller will se-
l e c t t h e l o w e r o f t h e t w o
output values (low override).
If the low limit is exceeded,
the controller will select the
higher of the two output val-
ues (high override). The low
limit control strategy is imple-
mented with the factory de-
fault settings and by selecting
the L.LiM for the ProG-cS-
SchM parameter. The high
limit control strategy is imple-
mented with the factory de-
fault settings and by selecting
the h.LiM for the ProG-cS-
SchM parameter.
A symbol used in the control
scheme setpoint-deviation,
PID, and output path illustra-
tions that physically repre-
s e n t s a c o n t r o l s i g n a l o r
possible control scheme pa-
rameter selection choices.
A n op er a ti ng mode of the
characterizer that provides a
monotonically increasing in-
dexing capability to five third
order polynomial equations
that represent five adjacent
segments. E ach segment
represents a defined control-
ler output. Equation selection
is specified with the ProG-
chr-K1 through K6 parame-
ters and values entered into
ProG-chr-K7 through K26 pa-
rameter constants are the co-
efficients A through D of the
five equations.
The iter ative procedure of
finding the optimal controller
PID (proportional, integral,
and derivative) values as re-
quired for the process under
Appendix A. Glossary
53SL6000 Instruction Manual