Micromod Micro-DCI: 53SL6000 Single Loop Controller User Manual

Page 64

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7.4 Signal Paths for the SnGL, cASc,
L.LiM, and h.LiM Control

Figure 7-3 is a graphical representation of the con-
trol scheme block as it applies to the SnGL, cASc,
L.LiM, and h.LiM control schemes. The hexagons
in the figure are the control signal outputs from
Figure 7-2. They enable analog signal switch
paths that affect operation of the control scheme.
Other analog signal switches are controlled by the
conF-cn.1(cn.2) module parameters, which are de-
picted as circled inputs; and the ProG-cS module
parameters, which are depicted as diamond inputs.

Figure 7-3 contains both, the cn.1 and cn.2 control
loop modules. The upper half of the diagram is for
cn.2 and the lower half is for cn.1. Each half con-
tains three distinct functional areas:


Setpoint Generator with Deviation Calculator
(SP-PV) - It controls setpoint selection (local
push buttons, remote setpoint [cn.1 only], or
setpoint tracking) and applies the setpoint
high/low limits and setpoint slew rate. It calcu-
lates the deviation (SP-PV) to determine the
error value that is passed on to the PID after
control zone modification. It generates proc-
ess or deviation alarms, and also drives the
setpoint display bar, setpoint dro, PV display
bar, and PV dro.


PID - It uses the deviation and process vari-
able values as determined by direct or reverse
control action to apply the proportional, inte-
gral, and derivative actions; and augments the
result with any additive feed forward (input).
The integral term allows both, internal and ex-
ternal E input feedback paths. Finally, it ap-
plies the output high/low limits to the result.


Auto/Manual Output Selector (OUT) - It allows
the control output (out) to be selected from one
of the three sources: PID result, output push
buttons, or output tracking (D input). It also
applies the output high/low limits when indi-
cated by the conF-cn.1(cn.2)-hML parameter
to the final result. Both, an analog (out) and
dual digital (VuP, Vdn) output are provided.

The cn.1 and cn.2 modules are very similar; how-
ever, cn.1 also has the conF-cn.1-SPM (setpoint
mode) path enable parameter. Its purpose is to
select between the ratio (K-SP) and standard (Std)

7.4.1 Setpoint (SP-PV) Paths for the
SnGL, cASc, L.LiM, and h.LiM
Control Schemes

The control scheme setpoint (SP-PV) paths are
depicted in Figures 7-4 through 7-9. These figures
are partials of Figure 7-3. Unless specifically re-
quired by the example (e.g., SPM = K-SP, for the
remote ratio setpoint example in Figure 7-6), the
parameter path settings are arbitrary (e.g., SPM
can be set for standard [Std] or ratio [K-SP] set-
point in the other examples). The control scheme
setpoint path figures are as follows:

Figure 7-4. Common Setpoint Path Logic

Figure 7-5. Local Standard (Std) Setpoint

Figure 7-6. Remote Ratio Setpoint Path

Figure 7-7. STV Setpoint Tracking

Figure 7-8. PVT Setpoint Tracking

Figure 7-9. cASc Control Scheme Setpoint

7.4.2 PID Paths for the SnGL, cASc,
L.LiM, and h.LiM Control

The control scheme PID paths are depicted in Fig-
ures 7-10 through 7-12. These figures are partials
of Figure 7-3. Unless specifically required by the
example, the parameter path settings are arbitrary
(e.g., rSW can be set for direct [dir] or reverse
[rEV]). The control scheme PID path figures are
as follows:

Figure 7-10. Pb, td, and tr PID Paths

Figure 7-11. Pb, td, tr, and FF PID Paths

Figure 7-12. Pb, td, tr, and FF PID Paths with

7.4.3 OUT Paths for the SnGL, cASc,
L.LiM, and h.LiM Control

The control scheme OUT paths are depicted in
Figures 7-13 through 7-16. These figures are par-
tials of Figure 7-3. Unless specifically required by
the example, the parameter path settings are arbi-
trary (e.g., rSV can be set for direct [dir] or reverse
[rEV]). The control scheme OUT path figures are
as follows:

Figure 7-13. Output Tracking Path

Figure 7-14. Auto Output Path

53SL6000 Instruction Manual

Section 7. Control Scheme Block
