Micromod Micro-DCI: 53SL6000 Single Loop Controller User Manual

Page 115

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Also, a prompt that can be in-
voked on the display in engi-
n e e r m o d e ( e . g . , c n. 1) ; if
selected, it provides scrolling
capabilities through a series
of parameter prompts for con-
figuration purposes.


One of many prompts subor-
dinated to a selected module
of the conF or ProG menus,
or a prompt in the oPEr menu,
that solicits configuration in-
put. Configuring a parameter
may require data to be en-
tered, a YES/no choice to be
made, or a selection made
from a list of items that ap-
pear sequentially in the red
d r o a s t h e s c r o l l f o r-
ward/backward push buttons
are pressed.


Two pass-keys can be config-
ured for the 53SL6000 con-
troller. A pass-key is a four
digit numeric value entered in
the red dro in response to the
key query to gain access to
either the conF menu or the
P r o G m e n u i n e n g i n e e r


A mnemonic that represents
the proportional, integral, and
derivative actions caused by
the control scheme algorithm


The process feedback input
signal provided by a measur-
ing transmitter device that is
computed against the control-
ler setpoint to determine the
deviation error and required
output to null the error.


An engineer mode alphanu-
meric assigned to a menu,
module, or parameter that ap-
pears in a dro.

Action (Pb)

Proportional action (Pb) pro-
duces a value calculated from
the difference between the

setpoint and process variable
values. Proportional action is
set as a percentage of the
proportional band (%PB) from
2% (narrow band - maximum
action) to 1000% (wide band -
minimum action).


T h i s t i m e p r o p o r t i o n a l o r
three step output is applica-
b l e t o a l l o f t h e c o n t r o l
schemes. The controller out-
put is provided as hardware
contact levels from DO3 and
DO4 that are proportional to
the quantitative requirements
of the corrective action. It is
especially useful for motor-
ized control valves, whereby
the DO3 output drives the
valve in one direction and the
DO4 output drives the valve
in the opposite direction.


A n y o n e o f s e v e n t a c t i l e
switches on the 53SL6000
controller faceplate used for
display panel operations.


A control strategy whereby
t he co nt r ol le r ma in ta ins a
process variable in relation to
a me as ur ed wild variable.
This control strategy is imple-
mented in the 53SL6000 con-
troller with the factory default
settings, by selecting SnGL
for the Pr oG- cS- SchM pa-
rameter, and by selecting
K-SP for the setpoint mode
parameter conF-cn.1-SPM.


A n op ti on mo du le th at at-
t a c h e s t o t h e r e a r o f t h e
53SL6000 controller case to
provide personal computer
RS-232 COMM port connec-


A n op ti on mo du le th at at-
t a c h e s t o t h e r e a r o f t h e
53SL6000 controller case to
provide datalink connectivity.


A displayed controller value
that represents a desired qui-

53SL6000 Instruction Manual

Appendix A. Glossary
