Micromod Micro-DCI: 53SL6000 Single Loop Controller User Manual
Page 111 out Response
This response indicates the controller output was
initially at extreme maximum or minimum when the
preliminary step change was attempted. Restore
the controller operating band to mid-range; if the
controller must operate at saturated output, then
Easy-Tune can not be successfully executed. dout Response
This response indicates saturation would have oc-
curred if Easy-Tune had continued. Reverse the
sign of the step size configured into dout and exe-
cute Easy-Tune again. dPV Response
This response indicates PV excursion exceeded
the limit specified in conF-EZ-dPV. Increase the
limit value specified in conF-EZ-dPV and execute
Easy-Tune again. outX Response
This response indicates the controller output was
inadvertently altered. Refrain from altering control-
ler output during Easy-Tune execution. StiM Response
This response indicates A time-out occurred during
initial settling. Process settling was not detected
during the time interval specified in conF-EZ-tLiM. PtiM Response
This response indicates a time-out occurred during
the preliminary step change. The preliminary step
change could not complete in the time interval
specified in conF-EZ-tLiM. Increase the conF-EZ-
tLiM value or decrease the dPPV value. WtiM Response
This response indicates a time-out occurred during
the preliminary estimate of Tp and Wp. A distur-
bance might have occurred during Easy-Tune exe-
cution causing the preliminary step excursion to
extend beyond the time limit of 20 step change time
intervals (shown as limit = 20X in Figure 9-2). KtiM Response
This response indicates a time-out occurred during
the second step change. A disturbance might have
occurred during Easy-Tune execution causing the
second step change to extend beyond the approxi-
mated time of 10 Tp’s and Wp’s (shown as limit =
[2.5 Te + We][10] in Figure 9-2). ttiM Response
This response indicates a time-out occurred during
the decay of the second step change. A distur-
bance might have occurred during Easy-Tune exe-
cution causing the second step change decay to
extend beyond the approximated time of 10 Tp’s
and Wp’s (shown as limit = [2.5 Te + We][10] in
Figure 9-2). Abrt Response
This response indicates an intentional abort was
performed at the datalink host. PidL Response
This response indicates a tuning parameter limit
was exceeded (e.g. exceeded 8 for conF-EZ-Etd)
during the execution of Easy-Tune. This is only a
warning, Easy-Tune completed execution and the
PID parameters were loaded as specified by conF-
EZ-APLd. cM Response
This response indicates the selected tuning control
mode is illegal. Check conF-EZ-cM to see if P, PI,
PID, or D is selected. cASc Response
This response indicates an illegal control mode
(conF-EZ-cM) is selected in the master or secon-
dary. oVr Response
This response indicates the loop being tuned is
being overriden by the other loop. See note 2 in
Section 9.8.1.
53SL6000 Instruction Manual
Section 9. Commissioning