Micromod Micro-DCI: 53SL6000 Single Loop Controller User Manual
Page 27

controller powers up in the last state it was in be-
fore power was removed.
2.9.1 Power-up Sequence
The power-up sequence is as follows:
At power-up, the controller performs a power-
on self test which includes lighting all faceplate
LEDs for three seconds to show they are work-
After completing the power-on self test, status
information is presented in the dros. During
status, both of the vertical bars have five
equally spaced LEDs lit.
If the power-on self test is successful, the
d r os wil l c on tain option identification
codes and the firmware revision level iden-
tification for the next three seconds as de-
scribed in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1. Controller Status Codes
Status Code
Top (red)
Option A status
0 = no options.
192 = 2DI/2DO.
193 = Single Univer-
sal Analog Input.
194 = Dual Univer-
sal Analog Input.
Option B status
Firmware revision
level identifier.
Code must be cross
referenced to
revision level.
If a power-on self-test database memory
error occurs, the nrAM error appears in
the top (red) dro and the controller halts
further operation. Return unit to for
After a successful power-on self test and
status presentation, the controller enters op-
erator mode, unless it was offline or executing
the controller confidence test when it was pow-
Offline is indicated by four equally spaced
pairs of lit LEDs in the green vertical bar.
When offline, no control is being performed
and all outputs are held at their values pre-
vious to being placed in offline mode. (For
more information about operator mode see
Section 3.2, Operator Mode; for more informa-
tion about the offline state, see Section 3.7,
Offline Display Pattern.)
Reference Section B.4.6, Exiting the Controller
Confidence Test via the Faceplate Push Buttons, if
it is suspected that the controller was executing the
controller confidence tests when it was powered-
down. Both vertical bars and all status indicator
LEDs, except the WD indicator, will be lit during the
controller confidence test execution.
53SL6000 Instruction Manual
Section 2. Installation and Power-Up Procedures