6 vpn wizard ipsec setting (ike phase 2), Figure 31 vpn wizard: ipsec setting – ZyXEL Communications ZyXEL ZyWALL 2WG User Manual

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Chapter 3 Wizard Setup

ZyWALL 2WG User’s Guide


3.6 VPN Wizard IPSec Setting (IKE Phase 2)

Use this screen to specify the authentication, encryption and other settings needed to negotiate
a phase 2 IPSec SA.

Figure 31 VPN Wizard: IPSec Setting

Pre-Shared Key

Type your pre-shared key in this field. A pre-shared key identifies a

communicating party during a phase 1 IKE negotiation. It is called "pre-shared"

because you have to share it with another party before you can communicate

with them over a secure connection.
Type from 8 to 31 case-sensitive ASCII characters or from 16 to 62

hexadecimal ("0-9", "A-F") characters. You must precede a hexadecimal key

with a "0x (zero x), which is not counted as part of the 16 to 62 character range

for the key. For example, in "0x0123456789ABCDEF", 0x denotes that the key

is hexadecimal and 0123456789ABCDEF is the key itself.
Both ends of the VPN tunnel must use the same pre-shared key. You will

receive a PYLD_MALFORMED (payload malformed) packet if the same pre-

shared key is not used on both ends.

Back Click

Back to return to the previous screen.


Click Next to continue.

Table 18 VPN Wizard: IKE Tunnel Setting (continued)