5 port forwarding, Figure 192 advanced > nat > address mapping > edit, Table 113 advanced > nat > address mapping > edit – ZyXEL Communications ZyXEL ZyWALL 2WG User Manual
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Chapter 17 Network Address Translation (NAT)
ZyWALL 2WG User’s Guide
Figure 192 ADVANCED > NAT > Address Mapping > Edit
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
17.5 Port Forwarding
A port forwarding set is a list of inside (behind NAT on the LAN) servers, for example, web or
FTP, that you can make visible to the outside world even though NAT makes your whole
inside network appear as a single computer to the outside world.
Table 113 ADVANCED > NAT > Address Mapping > Edit
Choose the port mapping type from one of the following.
1. One-to-One: One-to-One mode maps one local IP address to one global IP
address. Note that port numbers do not change for One-to-One NAT mapping
2. Many-to-One: Many-to-One mode maps multiple local IP addresses to one
global IP address. This is equivalent to SUA (i.e., PAT, port address translation),
ZyXEL's Single User Account feature.
3. Many-to-Many Overload: Many-to-Many Overload mode maps multiple local
IP addresses to shared global IP addresses.
4. Many One-to-One: Many One-to-One mode maps each local IP address to
unique global IP addresses.
5. Server: This type allows you to specify inside servers of different services
behind the NAT to be accessible to the outside world.
Local Start IP
This is the starting Inside Local IP Address (ILA). Local IP addresses are N/A for
Server port mapping.
Local End IP
This is the end Inside Local IP Address (ILA). If your rule is for all local IP
addresses, then enter as the Local Start IP address and
as the Local End IP address.
This field is N/A for One-to-One and Server mapping types.
Global Start IP
This is the starting Inside Global IP Address (IGA). Enter here if you have
a dynamic IP address from your ISP.
Global End IP
This is the ending Inside Global IP Address (IGA). This field is N/A for One-to-
One, Many-to-One and Server mapping types.
Click Apply to save your changes back to the ZyWALL.
Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.