Baseline Systems BaseStation 3200 V12 User Manual
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BaseStation 3200 Advanced Irrigation Controller Manual
Only two zones of any 12 zone block of terminals can be activated concurrently, plus VE1 and VE2,
resulting in a total concurrency of 6 zones for a 24 zone unit.
You can connect Baseline biSensors directly to valve wires on the Sensor-over-valve-wire ports (A1,
A2 and B1, B2).
BaseStation 3200R systems have built-in biCoders, and each screw terminal has a unique serial
number. These serial numbers are listed on the wiring label that is included in the unit as shown in
the illustration below.
Serial Numbers for zones 1-24 on a BL-5200 Series Powered biCoder™
Powered biCoders are preconfigured at the factory to assign zones 1 to 48 (depending on how
many zones the unit is equipped with) to terminals 1 through 48. However, by using the specific
serial number, you can reassign any terminal to any zone address. Refer to the topic on clearing a
previous zone number assignment on page 31.
Connecting Valve Wires and Moisture Sensors over Valve Wires
You can connect Baseline biSensors directly to the valve wires on the Sensor-over-valve-wire Ports
(A1, A2, B1, B2) on any 12 or 24 zone connection module.
BL-5200 Series Powered biCoder Wiring Example with One biSensor
1. Power off the two-wire when installing devices. Leave 24 to 36 inches of slack on the
two-wire to allow for easy installation and maintenance.
2. Wire the sprinkler valves directly to the zone connectors and common connector.
3. Locate the biSensor near the closest valve location.
4. Connect the red wire from the biSensor to the power wire or pilot wire of the valve and black
wire from the biSensor to the common wire of the solenoid using the provided 3M™ Direct
Bury Splice Kit DBR/Y connector. It is critical that polarity be maintained.
Note: Use wire nuts to test communication, and then replace those wire nuts with 3M™
Direct Bury Splice Kit DBR/Y connectors before burying.
5. Follow the “Burying the biSensor” instructions, included with the biSensor.
6. Connect the pilot wire from the valve to the A1, A2, B1, or B2 terminals.
7. Press the biSensor update button and verify that the light above the terminal stays on.
8. Assign the biSensor and test its operation. Refer to Searching for and Assigning biSensors on
page 36 and Testing a Specific Two-wire Device on page 99.
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