Overview, Additional iis setup requirements, Overview additional iis setup requirements – IntelliTrack Package Track User Manual
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User Manual
The additional IIS setup information listed in this section pertains to the
Manual IIS RDA setup options. To determine if you are using a manual IIS
RDA configuration, please see
“Manual IIS RDA Setup Options” on
. Perform the manual configuration steps after you install the Intel-
liTrack workstation application.
Important: The setup outlined in this section refer to the DMS CE Batch
setup when using a manual IIS RDA setup option. If you are using an auto-
matic IIS RDA setup option, the Create IIS Dependencies utility will per-
form the necessary IIS setup steps on your system and you do not have to
perform the additional IIS setup steps found here with the exception of
Windows Server 2003. When you use Windows Server 2003, you must set
the DMS web extensions to run with the DMS Sync URL; please see
ting up IIS v6.0 to Allow the DMS Web Service Extension” on page 254
Important: If you are using DMS RF, please consult your DMS RF Guide,
which is available in PDF format from the DMS RF Server Start menu:
Start > All Programs > IntelliTrack > DMS > DMS Application > RF
Server > RF Help.
Additional IIS Setup Requirements
Depending on your RDA Setup option and your IIS version, IIS setup may
require additional setup steps after IntelliTrack installation.
If you use a manual IIS setup option, you must manually create IIS
dependencies. For more information, please refer to
uring IIS on Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 Operating Systems” on
page 253
“Manually Configuring IIS in Windows Vista/Windows 7/
Windows Server 2008 Operating Systems” on page 256
If you use a manual IIS RDA setup option with Windows Vista/Win-
dows 7/Windows Server 2008, you must allow the DMS Sync URL to
run with the web service extension. For more information, please refer
to; please refer to