IntelliTrack Package Track User Manual

Page 245

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Appendix B

Database Maintenance



The Destination area of the window is cleared.


Next, select where you want the backup to go. Click the Add button in
the Destination portion of the window. The Select Backup Destination
dialog appears.


In the Select Backup Destination dialog, click the Browse button to
select where you want the backup to go.


The Locate Database Files window appears. Browse to the backup file
location. Make sure that the Backup Files (*.bak, *trn)
extension option is selected for the backup file type. In the Filename
field enter a name for the backup file. Directly at the end of the file-
name, enter the file extension: .bak.
To ensure that you preserve any other backups, the filename should not
be the same as an existing backup in the folder where the backup will
be created.
For the backup filename, we recommend that you append the original
database name with the backup date (for example
DATACHE80_0607) so that you are able to easily distinguish the data-
base backup.