IntelliTrack Package Track User Manual
Page 213
Chapter 9
Using the Handheld
deliver” session. To deliver more packages via Rapid Deliver repeat
steps 1-9.
If this recipient still has undelivered packages, a dialog appears noti-
fying you that this recipient still has packages that have not been
scanned. It asks you if you want to continue.
To remain in the current “rapid deliver” session for this recipient, tap
No to return to the Deliver Packages - Rapid Deliver screen for this
recipient and continue delivering packages to this recipient. Package
Track is ready to continue scanning packages for delivery to this
To deliver the scanned package for the recipient in the current “rapid
deliver” session, tap Yes to deliver the scanned packages to this
recipient; the screen clears indicating that the packages have been
delivered. The Rapid Deliver method is ready to begin another
“rapid deliver” session and deliver packages to another recipient.
Repeat steps 1-9 to deliver packages to another recipient using the
Rapid Deliver method.
When you are finished delivering packages by the Rapid Deliver
method, tap the ok button in the top right corner of the Deliver - Rapid