As-i – IDEC MicroSmart User Manual
Page 464
28: AS-I
« FC4A M
M1943 Auto_Address_Available
M1943 indicates whether or not the conditions for the auto addressing function are satisfied. M1943 goes on when the auto
addressing function is enabled and there is one faulty slave (a slave which cannot be recognized by the AS-Interface mas-
ter module) on the AS-Interface bus.
M1944 Configuration
M1944 indicates whether the AS-Interface master module is in configuration mode (on) or other mode (off). While config-
uration mode is enabled, M1944 remains on, and the CNF LED flashes.
M1945 Normal_Operation_Active
M1945 remains on while the AS-Interface master module is in normal protected mode. M1945 is off while in other modes.
When M1945 turns on, the CPU module starts to exchange data communication with the connected slaves.
M1946 APF/not APO
M1946 goes on when the AS-Interface power supply has failed, then the PWR LED goes off.
M1947 Offline_Ready
M1947 indicates that the AS-Interface master module is in normal protected offline. While in normal protected offline,
M1947 remains on and the OFF LED also remains on.
M1950 Periphery_OK
M1950 remains on while the AS-Interface master module does not detect a failure in peripheral devices. When a failure is
found, M1950 goes off.
M1960 Data_Exchange_Active
M1960 indicates that data exchange is enabled. While M1960 is on, the AS-Interface master module is in normal protected
mode, and data exchange between the AS-Interface master module and slaves is enabled. The data exchange can be
enabled and disabled using the ASI commands Enable Data Exchange and Prohibit Data Exchange.
M1961 Off-line
M1961 goes on when a command to switch to normal protected offline is issued. To switch to normal protected offline
from normal protected mode, either press the PB2 button on the AS-Interface master module or issue the ASI command
Go to Normal Protected Offline. M1961 remains on until normal protected offline is exited.
M1962 Connected Mode
M1962 indicates that the AS-Interface master module is in connected mode. While in connected mode, M1962 remains on.
Then, LMO LED remains off and the CMO LED remains on.