IDEC MicroSmart User Manual
Micro programmable logic controller, User’s manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Safety Precautions
- Table of Contents
- 1: General Information
- 2: Module Specifications
- 3: Installation and Wiring
- Installation Location
- Assembling Modules
- Disassembling Modules
- Installing the HMI Module
- Removing the HMI Module
- Removing the Terminal Blocks
- Removing the Communication Connector Cover
- Mounting on DIN Rail
- Removing from DIN Rail
- Direct Mounting on Panel Surface
- Installation in Control Panel
- Mounting Direction
- Input Wiring
- Output Wiring
- Power Supply
- Terminal Connection
- 4: Operation Basics
- 5: Special Functions
- Function Area Settings
- Stop Input and Reset Input
- Run/Stop Selection at Memory Backup Error
- Keep Designation for Internal Relays, Shift Registers, Counters, and Data Registers
- High-speed Counter
- Catch Input
- Interrupt Input
- Timer Interrupt
- Input Filter
- User Program Protection
- Constant Scan Time
- Partial Program Download
- Analog Potentiometers
- Analog Voltage Input
- HMI Module
- Expansion Data Registers
- 6: Allocation Numbers
- Operand Allocation Numbers
- I/O, Internal Relay, and Special Internal Relay Operand Allocation Numbers
- Operand Allocation Numbers for END Refresh Type Analog I/O Modules
- Operand Allocation Numbers for AS-Interface Master Module
- Operand Allocation Numbers for Data Link Master Station
- Operand Allocation Numbers for Data Link Slave Station
- Special Internal Relays
- Special Data Registers
- Expansion I/O Module Operands
- 7: Basic Instructions
- Basic Instruction List
- LOD (Load) and LODN (Load Not)
- OUT (Output) and OUTN (Output Not)
- SET and RST (Reset)
- AND and ANDN (And Not)
- OR and ORN (Or Not)
- AND LOD (Load)
- OR LOD (Load)
- BPS (Bit Push), BRD (Bit Read), and BPP (Bit Pop)
- TML, TIM, TMH, and TMS (Timer)
- CNT, CDP, and CUD (Counter)
- CC= and CC³ (Counter Comparison)
- DC= and DC³ (Data Register Comparison)
- SFR and SFRN (Forward and Reverse Shift Register)
- SOTU and SOTD (Single Output Up and Down)
- MCS and MCR (Master Control Set and Reset)
- JMP (Jump) and JEND (Jump End)
- 8: Advanced Instructions
- Advanced Instruction List
- Advanced Instruction Applicable CPU Modules
- Structure of an Advanced Instruction
- Input Condition for Advanced Instructions
- Source and Destination Operands
- Using Timer or Counter as Source Operand
- Using Timer or Counter as Destination Operand
- Data Types for Advanced Instructions
- Discontinuity of Operand Areas
- NOP (No Operation)
- 9: Move Instructions
- 10: Data Comparison Instructions
- 11: Binary Arithmetic Instructions
- 12: Boolean Computation Instructions
- 13: Shift / Rotate Instructions
- 14: Data Conversion Instructions
- 15: Week Programmer Instructions
- 16: Interface Instructions
- 17: User Communication Instructions
- User Communication Overview
- User Communication Mode Specifications
- Connecting RS232C Equipment through RS232C Port 1 or 2
- RS232C User Communication System Setup
- Connecting RS485 Equipment through RS485 Port 2
- RS485 User Communication System Setup
- Programming WindLDR
- TXD1 (Transmit 1)
- TXD2 (Transmit 2)
- RXD1 (Receive 1)
- RXD2 (Receive 2)
- User Communication Error
- ASCII Character Code Table
- RS232C Line Control Signals
- Sample Program - User Communication TXD
- Sample Program - User Communication RXD
- 18: Program Branching Instructions
- 19: Coordinate Conversion Instructions
- 20: Pulse Instructions
- 21: PID Instruction
- 22: Dual / Teaching Timer Instructions
- 23: Intelligent Module Access Instructions
- 24: Analog I/O Control
- 25: Data Link Communication
- Data Link Specifications
- Data Link System Setup
- Data Register Allocation for Transmit/Receive Data
- Special Data Registers for Data Link Communication Error
- Data Link Communication between Master and Slave Stations
- Special Internal Relays for Data Link Communication
- Programming WindLDR
- Refresh Mode
- Operating Procedure for Data Link System
- Data Link with Other PLCs
- 26: Computer Link Communication
- 27: Modem Mode
- System Setup
- Applicable Modems
- Special Internal Relays for Modem Mode
- Special Data Registers for Modem Mode
- Originate Mode
- Disconnect Mode
- AT General Command Mode
- Answer Mode
- Modem Mode Status Data Register
- Initialization String Commands
- Preparation for Using Modem
- Programming Data Registers and Internal Relays
- Setting Up the CPU Module
- Programming WindLDR
- Operating Procedure for Modem Mode
- Sample Program for Modem Originate Mode
- Sample Program for Modem Answer Mode
- Troubleshooting in Modem Communication
- 28: AS-Interface Master Communication
- 29: Troubleshooting
- Appendix
- Index