50 neighbor default-originate, Neighbor default, Originate – PLANET XGS3-24042 User Manual

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route mode and address family mode

Usage Guide:

This command is for settling the problem that multi-connection among peers due to TCP connection

collision. Connections created with this option on will always be check even at established state.

And it will be checked if local side IP is larger than partner IP when collides. If yes, the original

connection will be deleted, and if not the option will be configured to only checks when the

connection originated from local side at open sent and open confirm state.


Set to perform the TCP connection collision check and settlement with neighbor

Switch(config-router)#neighbor collide-established

37.50 neighbor default-originate


neighbor {|} default-originate [route-map ]

no neighbor {|} default-originate [route-map ]


Configures whether enables transmitting default route to the specific neighbor. The “no neighbor

{|} default-originate [route-map ]” command configures not

sending default route to neighbors.


: IP address of the neighbor.

: Name of the peer.

: Name of route map.


Not sending default route.

Command Mode:

BGP route mode and address-family mode

Usage Guide:

With this option, the default route of local side will be transmitted to partner, or else not. It supplies

with options of which one to supply the default route. if several neighbors of the partner supply

default route, the best one will be elected according to path selecting principles. According to route

mirror, it can be chosen when to send the default route.


Set to transmit the local default route to neighbor

Switch(config-router)#neighbor default-originate