33 show ipv6 route, 33 show ipv6 route -193 – PLANET XGS3-24042 User Manual

Page 347

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Configured IPv6 address of Layer 3 interface

19.2.33 show ipv6 route


show ipv6 route [|<destination >|>| database| fib [local]| nsm

[connected | static | rip| ospf | bgp | isis| kernel| database]|statistics]


Display IPv6 routing table.


<destination> is destination network address; <destination>|<length> is destination network

address plus prefix length; connected is directly connected router; static is static router; rip is RIP

router; ospf is OSPF router; bgp is BGP router; isis is ISIS router; kernel is kernel router;

statistics shows router number; database is router database.

Command Mode:

Admin and Configuration Mode.

Usage Guide:

show ipv6 route only shows IPv6 kernal routing table (routing table in tcpip), database shows all

routers except the local router, fib local shows the local router, statistics shows router statistics



Switch#show ipv6 route

Codes: C - connected, L - Local, S - static, R - RIP, O - OSPF,

I - IS-IS, B - BGP

C ::/0 via ::, tunnel3 256

S 2001:2::/32 via fe80::789, Vlan2 1024

S 2001:2:3:4::/64 via fe80::123, Vlan2 1024

O 2002:ca60:c801:1::/64 via ::, Vlan1 1024

C 2002:ca60:c802:1::/64 via ::, tunnel49 256

C 2003:1::/64 via ::, Vlan4 256

C 2003:1::5efe:0:0/96 via ::, tunnel26 256

S 2004:1:2:3::/64 via fe80:1::88, Vlan2 1024

O 2006:1::/64 via ::, Vlan1 1024

S 2008:1:2:3::/64 via fe80::250:baff:fef2:a4f4, Vlan1 1024

C 2008:2005:5:8::/64 via ::, Ethernet0 256

S 2009:1::/64 via fe80::250:baff:fef2:a4f4, Vlan1 1024

C 2022:1::/64 via ::, Ethernet0 256