Various soft keyboard operations – Casio ClassPad II fx-CP400 User Manual

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Chapter 1: Basics


Example 2: To copy an expression you input with the Main application to the Graph Editor window

1. In the Main application work area, input: 2


^2 + 2


− 1.


2. On the right end of the toolbar, tap the down arrow button. On the button

palette that appears, tap !.

• This will display the Graph Editor window in the bottom half of the screen.

3. Select the 2


^2 + 2


− 1 expression you input with the Main application by

dragging across it, and then drag the expression to the located to the right


1: on the Graph Editor window.

• This will copy 2


^2 + 2


− 1 to the location where you dropped it.


• An expression you copy using the operation above is registered to the Graph Editor

window of the Graph & Table application. For information about Graph Editor window
operations, see Chapter 3.

• Depending on the destination to which you drag a character string or an expression,

the drop operation may cause it to be converted automatically to a graph or a
figure. For example, dropping the expression in Example 2 into the Graph window will graph the expression. Refer to the
locations provided below to see examples using drag and drop.

- “2-9 Using the Main Application in Combination with Other Applications” (Chapter 2, page 89)

- “5-4 Graphing an Expression or Value by Dropping It into the Differential Equation Graph Window” (Chapter 5, page 124)

- “8-5 Using the Geometry Application with Other Applications” (Chapter 8, page 170)

- “13-1 Inputting and Editing Cell Contents” (Chapter 13, page 221), “13-2 Graphing” (Chapter 13, page 229)

Various Soft Keyboard Operations

This section explains how to use each of the soft keyboard key sets. For information about key set types and a
general overview of key sets, see “Soft Keyboard Key Sets” (page 16). All of the examples in this section assume
the following conditions.

• The Main application is running. See “Built-in Applications” (page 12).

• The soft keyboard is displayed. See “Using the Soft Keyboard” (page 15).

k Using Math, Trig, and Advance Key Sets

The [Math1], [Math2], [Math3], [Trig] (trigonometric), and [Advance] key sets
contain keys for inputting numeric expressions.


L key in the upper left corner and all of the keys in the bottom row are

common to all key sets. Their functions are described below.

L Switches between template input and line input. See “Template Input

and Line Input” (page 22).

h Performs the same operation as the keypad’s K key. Deletes the

character to the left of the current cursor position.

pq See “Using the Clipboard for Copy and Paste” (page 19).
D Inputs “ans”. See “Using the Answer Variable (ans)” (page 43).
w Performs the same operation as the keypad’s E key, which executes calculations.