Yaskawa iQpump Micro User Manual

Page 273

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(0E00) Remove Frequency


Remove Freq Lvl

When P9-12 is set to 0, this parameter sets the level below which

the output frequency must fall for the time set in P9-15 before

the lead drive will send a request to be removed from the system

via the iQPump MEMOBUS network.

When P9-12 is set to 2 and the delta feedback (feedback minus

setpoint) has exceeded the level set in P9-14 for the time set in

P9-15, this parameter sets the level below which the output

frequency must fall before the lead drive will request to be

removed from the system via the iQPump MEMOBUS network.

Default: 40.0 Hz

Min.: 0.0

Max.: 400.0


(0E01) Remove Delta Level

Remove Delta Lvl

When P9-12 is set to 1, this parameter sets the level above which

the delta feedback (feedback minus setpoint) must rise for the

time set in P9-15 before the lead drive will request to be removed

from the system via the iQPump MEMOBUS network.

When P9-12 is set to 2 and the output frequency has exceeded

the level set in P9-13 for the time set in P9-15, this parameter

sets the level above which the delta feedback (feedback minus

setpoint) frequency must rise before the lead drive will request

to be removed from the system via the iQPump MEMOBUS


Default: 0.0 PSI


Min.: 0.0

Max.: 6000.0


(0E02) Remove Delay Time

Remove Dly Time

Sets the delay time before the lead drive is removed from the


Default: 10 s

Min.: 0

Max.: 3600


(0E03) Stabilization Time

Stabilize Time

Sets the time used to stabilize the system when a pump is staged

or de-staged.

Lead/lag control and pump protection are suspended during this


Default: 3 s

Min.: 0

Max.: 3600


(0E04) Setpoint Modifier

Set-pt Modifier

Sets the value by which the system setpoint is incremented

depending on the number of pumps that are running.

Pump 1: Setpoint

Pump 2: Setpoint + ((X-1) (P9-17))

Default: 0.0 PSI


Min.: -999.9

Max.: 999.9


(0E05) High Feedback Quick


High FB De-stage

Sets the feedback level that will trigger a quick de-stage. Set as

a percentage of the P1-11 value.

The quick de-stage ignores parameters P9-12 to P9-15 and uses

an internal 2 second delay.

Setting this parameter to 0.0 disables the feature.

Default: 97.0%

Min.: 0.0

Max.: 100.0


(0E06) Alternation Unit

Alternation Unit

0: Hours (H)

1: Minutes (min)

Sets the units used in P9-03.

0: Hours (H)

1: Minutes (min)

Default: 0

Range: 0, 1


(0E07) Allow Network Run

Allow Net Run

0: Always

1: First/Altrnation

2: First Only

3: Alternation Only

Specifies when a network Run command is allowed.

0: Always

1: First/alternation

2: First only

3: Alternation only

Default: 0

Range: 0 to 3


(0E08) Run Priority

Run Priority

Sets the lead drive selection priority overriding the P9-01

selection. Lower value = Higher priority.

If multiple drives have the lowest P9-21 value, then P9-01

determines which drive becomes the lead.

Default: 8

Min.: 1

Max.: 16


(0E09) System Fault Retry

System Flt Retry

Sets the number of times that the iQPump MEMOBUS network

will allow automatic restarts of system faults.

The drive uses L5-04, Fault Reset Interval Time, to determine

when to attempt a system fault restart.

Set this parameter to the same value for all drives on the network.

Default: 5

Min.: 0

Max.: 10



Maximum Number of

Running Pumps

MaxPumps Running

Sets the maximum number of pumps that can run on the system. Default: 4

Min.: 1

Max.: 4


(0E0B) Lead Swap at Sleep

Lead Swap @Sleep

Sets the length of time for which the lead drive will be in Sleep

Mode before this drive will request a swap when there is another

drive available with a lower P9-21 setting.

Setting this parameter to 0 will disable the function.

Default: 0 s

Min.: 0

Max.: 7200


(0E0C) Highest Node Address Highest Node Adr

Sets the highest possible node address in the MEMOBUS


For optimal network performance, set the serial communication

address H5-01 beginning with 01h consecutively up to the last

drive and then set this parameter to that H5-01 address.

Default: 4

Min.: 2

Max.: 4

B.11 P: Pump Parameters

YASKAWA TOEP YAIQPM 03B YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump Micro User Manual



Parameter List

This manual is related to the following products: