Yaskawa iQpump Micro User Manual

Page 256

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LCD Display






Stall Prevention

Selection during


StallP Decel Sel

0: Disabled

1: General purpose

2: Intelligent

3: StallP +Resistor

4: High Flux Brake

7: High Flux Brake3

0: Disabled. Deceleration at the active deceleration rate. An ov

fault may occur.

1: General purpose. Deceleration is paused when the DC bus

voltage exceeds the Stall Prevention level.

2: Intelligent. Decelerate as fast as possible while avoiding ov


3: Stall Prevention with braking resistor. Stall Prevention during

deceleration is enabled in coordination with dynamic braking.

4: Overexcitation Deceleration. Decelerates while increasing

the motor flux.

7: Overexcitation Deceleration 3. Applies more braking power

than normal overexcitation deceleration. Yaskawa recommends

extra caution due to the heavy load on the motor.

Default: 0

Range: 0 to 4; 7



Stall Prevention

Selection during Run

StallP Run Sel

0: Disabled

1: Decel time

2: Decel time 2

0: Disabled. Drive runs at a set frequency. A heavy load may

cause speed loss.

1: Decel time 1. Uses the deceleration time set to C1-02 while

Stall Prevention is performed.

2: Decel time 2. Uses the deceleration time set to C1-04 while

Stall Prevention is performed.

Default: 0

Range: 0 to 2



Stall Prevention Level

during Run

StallP Run Level

Enabled when L3-05 is set to 1 or 2. 100% is equal to the drive

rated current.



Min.: 30%
Max.: 150%





Suppression Function


OV Inhibit Sel

0: Disabled

1: Enabled

Enables or disables the ov suppression function, which allows

the drive to change the output frequency as the load changes to

prevent an ov fault.

0: Disabled

1: Enabled

Default: 0

Range: 0, 1



Target DC Bus Voltage

for Overvoltage

Suppression and Stall


DC Bus Reg Level

Sets the desired value for the DC bus voltage during overvoltage

suppression and Stall Prevention during deceleration.

Default: 375 Vdc

<2> <3>

Min.: 150
Max.: 400




DC Bus Voltage

Adjustment Gain

DC Bus P Gain

Sets the proportional gain for KEB Ride-Thru, Stall Prevention,

and overvoltage suppression.

Default: 1.00

Min.: 0.00

Max.: 5.00



Accel/Decel Rate

Calculation Gain

Acc/Dec P Gain

Sets the proportional gain used to calculate the deceleration rate

during KEB Ride-Thru, ov suppression function, and Stall

Prevention during deceleration (L3-04 = 2).

Default: 1.00

Min.: 0.10

Max.: 10.00



Automatic Reduction

Selection for Stall

Prevention during Run

CHP Stall P Sel

0: Lv1 set in L3-06

1: Autom. Reduction

0: Sets the Stall Prevention level set in L3-06 that is used

throughout the entire frequency range.

1: Automatic Stall Prevention level reduction in the constant

output range. The lower limit value is 40% of L3-06.

Default: 0

Range: 0, 1



Motor Acceleration

Time for Inertia


Mtr Accel Time

Sets the time needed to accelerate the uncoupled motor at rated

torque from stop to the maximum frequency.


<4> <5>

Min: 0.001 s

Max: 10.000 s


(046F) Load Inertia Ratio

Load Inertia Rat

Sets the ratio between the motor and machine inertia.

Default: 1.0

Min.: 1.0

Max.: 1000.0

<1> Upper limit is dependent on parameter L8-38, Frequency Reduction Selection.
<2> Default setting is dependent on parameter E1-01, Input voltage Setting.
<3> Values shown are specific to 200 V class drives. Double the value for 400 V class drives.
<4> Parameter value changes automatically if E2-11 is manually changed or changed by Auto-Tuning.
<5> Default setting is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.

B.8 L: Protection Function


YASKAWA TOEP YAIQPM 03B YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump Micro User Manual

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