Yaskawa iQpump Micro User Manual
Page 232

LCD Display
PID Output Level
Output Level Sel
0: Direct Acting
1: Inverse Acting
0: Direct acting
1: Inverse acting
Default: 0
Range: 0, 1
(01AE) PID Output Gain Setting Output Gain
Sets the gain applied to the PID output.
Default: 1.00
Min.: 0.00
Max.: 25.00
PID Output Reverse
Output Rev Sel
0: 0 limit
1: Reverse
0: Negative PID output triggers zero limit.
1: Rotation direction reverses with negative PID output.
When using setting 1, make sure reverse
operation is permitted by b1-04.
Default: 0
Range: 0, 1
Feedback Loss 4 to 20
mA Detection Selection
Fdbk 4-20mA Det
0: Disabled
1: Alarm only
2: Fault
3: Run At b5-13
Performs a 4 to 20 mA wire break detection on the analog input
that is programmed for PID feedback.
0: Disabled
1: Alarm only
2: Fault
3: Run at b5-13
Default: 2
Range: 0 to 3
Feedback Loss Goto
Sets the speed at which the drive will run if a 4 to 20 mA wire
break is detected on the PID Feedback and when b5-12 is set to
3 (Run at b5-13).
Default: 0.0 Hz
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 400.0
(01B2) Feedback Loss of Prime
FdbkLoss LOP Lvl
Detects loss of prime in the pump when a wire break condition
has occurred.
When the measured quantity determined by P1-18 (output
current, kilowatts, or power) drops below this level for the time
set in P1-20 and the output frequency is at the level set in b5-13,
a “Loss of Prime” condition occurs.
The drive responds to the “Loss of Prime” condition depending
on the setting of P1-22, Loss of Prime Selection.
Default: 0.0 A
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 1000.0
(01B3) Feedback Loss Go To
Frequency Time Out
When b5-12 = 3 and the Feedback signal is lost, the drive will
run at the b5-13 speed for the b5-15 time, after which the drive
will fault on Feedback Loss (FDBKL).
Timeout is disabled when set to 0sec and the drive will run
indefinitely at b5-13.
Default: 0 s
Min.: 0
Max.: 6000
(01B4) Feedback Loss Start
When an AUTO Run command is initiated, the drive will not
fault on Feedback Loss (FDBKL) or use the Feedback Loss
GoTo Frequency (b5-13) until the b5-16 time has expired.
Default: 0.0 s
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 120.0
(01B5) PID Accel/Decel Time PID Acc/Dec Time
Sets the acceleration and deceleration time to PID setpoint.
Default: 0 s
Min.: 0
Max.: 255
(01EE) Integrator Ramp Limit IntegratrRampLim
When set to a value greater than zero, the PID Integrator is
forced to be within +/- this amount of the soft starter output.
Default: 0.0 Hz
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 10.0
(019F) PID Output Lower Limit PID Out Low Lim
Sets the minimum output possible from the PID controller as a
percentage of the maximum output frequency.
Default: 0.00%
Min.: -100.00
Max.: 100.00
(01A0) PID Input Limit
PID Input Limit
Limits the PID control input (deviation signal) as a percentage
of the maximum output frequency. Acts as a bipolar limit.
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 1000.0
PID System Units
Display Digits
PID UsrDspDigits
0: No Dec (XXXXX)
1: 1 Dec (XXX.X)
2: 2 Dec (XX.XX)
3: 3 Dec (XX.XXX)
Determines the number of digits in the user-defined display for
the PID parameters and monitors (Q1-oo, U5-99, etc).
0: No decimal place
1: One decimal place
2: Two decimal places
3: Three decimal places
Default: 1
Range: 0 to 3
Frequency Reference
Monitor Content during
Fref Mon Sel@PID
0: Fref Mon w PID
1: Fref Mon w/o PID
0: Display the frequency reference (U1-01) after PID
compensation has been added.
1: Display the frequency reference (U1-01) before PID
compensation has been added.
Default: 0
Range: 0, 1
Reverse Operation
Selection 2 by PID
Output Rev Sel2
0: 0 Limit
1: Reverse
0: Zero limit when PID output is a negative value.
1: Reverse operation when PID output is a negative value
(Zero limit if the reverse operation is prohibited by b1-04).
Default: 1
Range: 0, 1
<1> Unit text is set by P1-18, Prime Loss Detection Method.
B.2 b: Application
YASKAWA TOEP YAIQPM 03B YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump Micro User Manual