2 component-specific parameters – SMA Sunny Data Control V.4.2 User Manual
Page 154

Transferring Data to the Internet
Technologie AG
Page 154
User Manual
12.8. 2 Component-specific Parameters
In order to support different display types within an applet, each display type is
accommodated in a separate Java component. The number of components, and thus
the number of displays per applet, is limited to a maximum of four.
The Java applet has three different display types:
Chart Display
With this display type, the values of an Internet channel are applied point by point
to a coordinate system, which is defined by an X axis and a Y axis. A maximum
of four channels can be shown simultaneously in this display. According to prefer-
ence, display as a line chart or as an area chart can be selected. The line chart
display connects the individual measured values' points to form a line. The area
mode also fills in the area beneath the line.
Device Field Display
As closely as possible, this display resembles the online display as already shown
locally in Sunny Data Control (see section 2 Spot Values).
Numerical Display
Here, the measured values are displayed as numerical values. Each row in this dis-
play represents exactly one measuring channel. The number of channels is only
limited by the applet's height.
ComponentX, NameX (String)
Each component to be displayed is introduced with:
among the parameters. The parameter ComponentX specifies the component type (see
above). Each display type has an unambiguous character string which identifies the
type. In this case, "X" stands for the sequential component number. A maximum of four
are possible, beginning with 1.
At present, the following values are possible for ComponentX:
"de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerDiagram" (for chart display)
"de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerDigital" (for numerical display)
"de.sma.SunnyViewer.ViewerGrid" (for device field display)