SMA Sunny Data Control V.4.2 User Manual
Page 108
Managing Data and Saving Data Locally
Technologie AG
Page 108
User Manual
A list of the device's archive channels is displayed.
Click in the channel recording column (beneath the icon shown in the fig-
ure to the right) in the check box beside the respective channel and add
or remove a cross. If a cross is added, the channel is recorded in the Sun-
ny Boy Control.
If a cross is added or removed, the button
(see figure below).
Click on one of the
to the Sunny Boy Control.
The first channel values of a newly recorded channel are only accessible after the
Sunny Boy Control's recording interval has passed! This is usually 15min.
Select the channels
to save at the PC
Select the channels to
save at the Sunny Boy Control
Example (excerpt from the "Archiv channels" list)
Channel query:
Channel recording:
- SUNNY PORTAL (75 pages)
- SB 2.5-1VL-40 (60 pages)
- SB 2.5-1VL-40 Service Manual (36 pages)
- SB 240 (78 pages)
- FLX Pro 17 (12 pages)
- FLX Series GSM Option Kit (48 pages)
- FLX Series Sensor Interface Option (51 pages)
- FLX Series PLA Option (62 pages)
- FLX Series (248 pages)
- 25000TL (52 pages)
- 25000TL Installation (40 pages)
- 25000TL Service Manual (46 pages)
- CBL-DC-CMB8-10 (24 pages)
- 25000TL Quick Installation Guide (36 pages)
- STP 60-10 Replacing a Defective Fan (12 pages)
- STP 60-10 Replacing Defective Surge Arresters (12 pages)
- Webconnect Systems in SUNNY PORTAL (69 pages)
- STP 12000TL (68 pages)
- STP 60-US-10 Installation (232 pages)
- 485 Data Module Type B (24 pages)
- STP 12000TL Quick Installation Guide (28 pages)
- 1000-US (52 pages)
- STP 24000TL-US (78 pages)
- STP 17000TL (60 pages)
- STP 20000TL (2 pages)
- SB 6000TL Service Manual (46 pages)
- SB 5000TL (60 pages)
- SB 5000TL Quick Installation Guide (32 pages)
- FANKIT01-10 (24 pages)
- SB 7700TL-US (28 pages)
- FANKIT02-10 (24 pages)
- SB 7700TL-US Installation (96 pages)
- DC Disconnect Switch For SB 3800-U (32 pages)
- SB 4000-US (100 pages)
- DB-DC-DISCON (4 pages)
- SB 3800-U (86 pages)
- POWER BALANCER (28 pages)
- SB 8000-US (104 pages)
- SB 11000TL‑US (40 pages)
- SMC 11000TL (24 pages)
- SBCBTL6 (36 pages)
- SB 11000TL‑US Installation (92 pages)
- SMC 11000TL Installation (96 pages)