SMA Sunny Data Control V.4.2 User Manual

Page 108

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Managing Data and Saving Data Locally


Technologie AG

Page 108


User Manual

A list of the device's archive channels is displayed.


Click in the channel recording column (beneath the icon shown in the fig-
ure to the right) in the check box beside the respective channel and add
or remove a cross. If a cross is added, the channel is recorded in the Sun-
ny Boy Control.
If a cross is added or removed, the button appears beside the check box
(see figure below).


Click on one of the buttons to apply the new settings, and to transfer them
to the Sunny Boy Control.

The first channel values of a newly recorded channel are only accessible after the
Sunny Boy Control's recording interval has passed! This is usually 15min.

Select the channels
to save at the PC

Select the channels to
save at the Sunny Boy Control

Example (excerpt from the "Archiv channels" list)

Channel query:

Channel recording: