Charts, Competitions – Turning Technologies TurningPoint 5 User Manual
Page 64
TurningPoint 5 for PC
This section enables the user to view and change the chart preferences.
Chart Colors
Determines the colors that are displayed in each chart. Click a color to open the color palette and
select a new color.
Chart Labels
Determines if answer text or bullets will be displayed in the chart labels and legends.
Chart Values
Determines whether a response count (number of participants) or a percentage is displayed.
There are three formats for displaying the percentage: 0%, 0.0% and 0.00%.
Default Chart Type
Determines the default chart that is used for the presentation. To change the chart type, simply
select another one from the drop-down menu.
Response Divisor
Determines whether the divisor used to calculate the percentages on a multiple response
question will be:
the total number of responses received (responses)
the total number of participants in the session’s participant list
the total number of devices that responded
Show Results
When checked, a chart is displayed when polling is closed.
This section enables the user to view and change the preferences for competition.