Standards, Downloading standards – Turning Technologies TurningPoint 5 User Manual
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TurningPoint 5 for PC
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Click Save and Close to return to the Question List Overview screen.
The Standards tool allows a user to download K-12 standards (per state or country, topic, subject, or grade level) or create a
custom standards list on which participants can be evaluated. For training, teaching or testing, standards help organize the
material in the question list or presentation into subject areas, competencies, or other standards which the participants should
This section covers the following topics:
Assigning Standards Using a Downloaded Standards List
Creating a Custom Standards List
Assigning Standards Using a Custom Standards List
Downloading Standards
Downloadable standards are available for the United States, Australia, Canada, Ireland and the United Kingdom. Common
Core Standards are also available. Downloaded standards are saved to the local computer and cannot be saved to a flash
An active internet connection is required to download standards.
A new question list must be created or opened for editing. To open a question list for editing, select the Content tab, select a
question list and click Edit Question List on the Question List Overview screen.
Click Standards on the bottom left of the Question List Editor screen.
The Standards screen is displayed.