Section 6: helicopter programming, Helicopter programming menu, Flight conditions – HITEC Flash 7 User Manual

Page 81: Helicopter programming, Helicopter programming menu flight conditions, 7 channel 2.4 ghz aircraft computer radio system, 80 helicopter programming menu, Working with heli model function menu

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7 Channel 2.4 GHz Aircraft Computer Radio System

7 Channel 2.4 GHz Aircraft Computer Radio System

Section 6: Heli Programming Menu


Helicopter Programming Menu

When the active model is configured as a helicopter model type, the model function menu contains
programming options which are useful for helicopters. This section describes the features and
programming steps for the helicopter model function menu.

The momentary “deadman” switch (Switch-F) is a convenient and commonly-used throttle cut
switch. Throttle cut should be off when the switch is in its neutral position.






From the model function menu, you can program the following helicopter-specific options:
Configure specific control settings for different phases of flight.
THRO CUT: Configure a kill switch for glow/gas motors.
T.HOLD: Set a switch-controlled throttle position.
GYRO: Specify gyro on/off and sensitivity settings.
REVO MIX: Damp unintended yaw movement when not using a heading hold gyro.
SWASH>THRO: Mix throttle with swashplate movements.
T.Curve: Specify non-linear throttle response.
P.Curve: Configure optimum blade pitch for different throttle settings.
*Swash Ring: Prevent excessive control throw on the swash servos.
FLT.COND: Configure specific control settings for different phases of flight.

Working with Heli Model Function Menu

1. Turn on transmitter. When prompted to transmit, select “NO”.
2. Verify that the active model is a helicopter.
3. To access the model function menu, press and hold the jog
4. The menu options shown reflect the parameters defined for
the active model in the model type menu (Model Type and
Swash). HELI-specific items are integrated in the menu with
the options that are common to all model types.

Flight Conditions

The Flash 7 allows you to program up to four flight conditions. This powerful feature lets you define
customized trim values and mix settings for different phases of flight.

The flight conditions for helicopter models are:
1. Normal
2. Idle-1
3. Idle-2
4. Hold