Applications – Echelon LonPoint Module User Manual

Page 8

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Traditional control networks have been based on an hierarchical architecture using

proprietary controllers. This approach to control system design is expensive, complex,

and locks the customer into a closed, non-interoperable architecture. Ultimately, the

high costs of this design approach limits the market for control systems.

Overcoming the limits of traditional, closed, hierarchical systems is best accomplished

with a flat, fully distributed control architecture. Such a system must: (a) interface

with a broad range of sensors and actuators, (b) incorporate application programs that

blur the distinction between legacy sensors/actuators and intelligent, networked

devices, (c) include a design and installation tool that can seamlessly interconnect

everything in the control network, and (d) incorporate software that simplifies

hardware configuration and reduces commissioning time. Satisfying these diverse

requirements requires a systems approach to the architecture, hardware, and software;

it cannot be accomplished easily with a piecemeal collection of devices and components.

The LonPoint System is the result of just such a systems approach, providing at once

the low cost of a flat system architecture, the multi-user capabilities of the LNS

operating system, the distributed processing of capabilities of the Neuron Chip and

LonTalk protocol, and the wiring flexibility of free topology communications. The
system consists of the LNS-based LonMaker

for Windows


Integration Tool, the

LonPoint Plug-In, LonPoint application programs, network interfaces, and LonPoint

interface, router, and scheduler modules.

The LonMaker for Windows tool is an LNS-based installation tool with a Visio


interface and support for both LonPoint devices and 3rd party L





devices. The

Visio user-interface provides a familiar, CAD-like design environment from which a control

system can be designed. Installation consists of interconnecting function blocks





objects) within LonPoint modules and 3rd party devices, using their

application resources to create a distributed control system. The LonMaker for Windows

tool can be used to design, configure, and commission a distributed control network, yet is

economical enough to be left behind as a maintenance tool. The LonPoint Plug-In is

provided with the tool to simplify the configuration of LonPoint devices.

Resident within each LonPoint module is a powerful, configurable L





application program. The program includes a variety of function blocks (i.e., PID

Controller, digital encoder, analog output, digital input, type translator) that are

configured by the LonMaker for Windows tool. Linking the function blocks of multiple
LonPoint modules, together with the resources of third pary L






creates a distributed control system that is interconnected via the network, yet which

offers greater functionality, higher reliability, and lower cost than a traditional central

controller-based system. The LonPoint System may be operated as a self-contained

control system, integrated with other L




or L




devices, or combined

with remote systems and a remote supervisory station via a WAN, IP, or PSTN

network to form a wide area control system.

The LonPoint interface, scheduler, and router modules provide I/O processing,

application resources, timekeeping, and routing for a LonPoint System. The interface