Echelon LonPoint Module User Manual
Page 113

LonPoint Hardware Guide
Erratic or improper
network communications
Improper or missing network termination. A free topology TP/FT-10
channel requires one Model 44100 Terminator located anywhere on the
channel. A bus topology TP/FT-10 channel requires two Model 44101
terminators, one at each end of the bus. A TP/XF-1250 channel only
operates in a bus topology, and requires two Model 44200 Terminators,
one at each end of the bus.
Excessive network cabling. See Chapter 3 for a discussion of the
maximum cable distances permissible on the TP/FT-10 and TP/XF-1250
channels. If the channel cabling is too long, install one or more LPR
Routers in series with the network cabling.
Improper network cabling. See Chapter 3 for a discussion of the types
of cabling that are approved for use on the TP/FT-10 and TP/XF-1250
channels. In some cases it is possible to correct network
communications by installing one or more LPR Routers in series with the
network cabling. In other cases the cabling must be replaced with an
approved cable.
Excessive number of modules on a channel. See Chapter 3 for a
discussion of the number of devices that can be installed on a channel.
If too many modules are on the channel, install one or more LPR
Routers in series with the network cabling.
Modules are connected to the wrong channel of an LPR Router. Care
must be taken to ensure that correct types of devices are connected to
the two channels of a router. LonPoint modules should only be
connected to a TP/FT-10 channel.
Improper operation of
digital inputs
Input voltage is too low to be detected. Ensure that the input signal level
matches the capabilities of the DI-10 module.
Improper operation of
digital input LEDs
Node unconfigured. LEDs only function in configured mode.
Improper operation of
digital output
Mismatch between the output current of the module and the device
being driven. The maximum current from any single DO-10 output is
100mA source, with a maximum total of 110mA source for all four
Hand/off/auto switch(es) in the wrong position. The hand/off/auto switch
forces the output low (0 position), high (1 position), or allows the
application program to select the output state (center network position).
Improper operation of
digital output LEDs
Node unconfigured. LEDs only function in configured mode.
Improper operation of
analog inputs
Jumpers incorrectly set on AI-10 modules. See Chapter 7 for a
discussion of jumper settings. Make certain that the Input 1 jumpers are
set correctly for analog input 1, and likewise that Input 2 jumpers are set
correctly for analog input 2.
Common wiring shared between two analog inputs. Each analog input to
the AI-10 module must have a separate + and - connection; the two
analog inputs should not share a common + or - connection.
Software configuration is incorrectly set for the specified analog input.
The gain and range settings must be configured correctly in order for the
AI-10 to properly supervise the analog input.