Echelon LonPoint Module User Manual

Page 32

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Network Cabling and Connections

shown in figure 3.14. If >16 Amperes (>10 Amperes RMS at 24 VAC RMS for Type

1D/2D DIN Base Plates using Jumper Plugs) must be supplied then the loop-

through capability of the LonPoint Base Plate power terminals must not be used and

the power cabling should be run in parallel, as shown in figure 3.15. To calculate

the load current, divide the total VA (sum of all devices powered by the power

supply) by the power supply voltage. For example, if the total VA of all LonPoint

Modules and sensors/actuators equals 100VA, and the power supply provides 24

VAC, then the load current is 4.16A.

Figure 3.14 Looped-through Power Wiring - •16 Amperes at 24VAC for Type 1/2 Base

Plates, •10 Amperes for Type 1D/2D DIN Base Plates using Jumper Plugs

Figure 3.15 Parallel Power Wiring - >16 Amperes at 24VAC for Type 1/2 Base Plates,

•10 Amperes for Type 1D/2D DIN Base Plates using Jumper Plugs

As a rule of thumb, it is recommended that power and I/O cabling be separated by

18”/ 46cm to prevent inadvertent pick-up of noise from the power circuit by sensitive

analog I/O cabling. Power and network twisted pairs may be combined in a common

cable if using an approved network cable.

Depending on the model, the LonPoint modules require between 2 and 6.5VA at an

operating voltage of 16 to 30V DC or AC. The LonPoint Type 1/1D and Type 2/2D

Base Plates include a power-looping capability that provides continuity through the

Base Plate - even if the LonPoint module is removed - when the power cabling is

daisy-chained through each Base Plate.