BUCHI DuMaster D-480 User Manual
Page 154

Operation Manual D-480
©BÜCH Labortechnik AG
7 - Using the instrument
Manual integratability
Regarding the integratability there are certain differences between the individual peak types.
Well integrable are:
Sinple peaks with clear beginning and tailing. This peak type normally is integrated without any
problem from the firmware implemented in the algorithm. However, a reintegration may be
necessary, in particular if the peak is very small and therefore the end mark was set too early.
Superimposed peaks where a significant difference in width between socket (large) and
"superimposed" (small) is noticeable.
Limited integrable are:
Superimposed peaks, where a significant difference in width between socket and "superimposed"
is not noticeable.
Poorly or not at all integrable are:
Melted peaks, since due to the undefined peak form no conclusions for the actual separation
points between the first and the second peak are possible.
The instrument software allows to select a straight or bevel baseline for integration. The automatic
integration always assumes a straight baseline. Therefore, also the manual peak integration should
be done with a straight baseline. The height of the baseline will be defined during the auto zero
adjust. During the manual integration the baseline can be specifically adjusted in height. The option to
perform the manual peak integration with a bevel baseline can be selected for special cases.
Important note: Prior to the manual peak integration, create a copy of the actual loaded document
and only perform the manual peak integration there. A copy can be created via File > Save As with
subsequent input of a suitable (different) document name.
Depending from the predominant peak shape there are two different procedures:
Integration of single peaks. Here, the requested peak start and end marks are set as well as the
adjustment of the height of the baseline
Integration of superimposed peaks. Here, first the peak start and end marks of the socket and the
height of the baseline are set, subsequently the peak start and end marks of the "superimposed"
peak. If requested, an intermediate point for the separation of socket and "superimposed" peak
can be set. This serves as a better adjustment of the socket course.
Integration of single peaks
Proceed as follows:
Open in the instrument software the dialog "Define type of peak" via Math. > Manual peak
integration > Type.
Note: The menu command is only accessible, if the grafic view is activated.
Activate "single peak" and "straight baseline" and subsequently click OK, to leave the dialog.
Select the requested sample so its peak course is displayed in the graphic view.
Open the instrument software via the dialog "Define peak start/end" via Math. > Manual Peak
Integration > Integrate.
Note: The menu command is only accessible if the graphic view is activated and configured that
way only the single corresponding peak course is displayed. If necessary, deactivate other
graphics (e.g. pressure, temperature, etc.).
and mark the peak start as follows: position the mouse pointer to the position where
the peak begins and click the left mouse key. The peak start tag is displayed as a vertical blue