Banner SureCross DX80 Wireless Networks User Manual

Page 48

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Any occurrence of a serious error puts the DDNS update in the Suspended state. If this occurs, resolve the problem and restart the
system or click Reset DNS. DO NOT click Reset DNS without knowing the problem is resolved. Repeated attempts to update DNS inap-
propriately may result in your host name being blocked. Clicking Reset DNS results in an immediate IP verification and attempt to re-
update DNS. The DNS server considers repeated updates resulting in no change (nochg reply) to be abuse. Repeated IP verification
(more frequently than once every 10 minutes) is also considered abuse.

Connection errors are internal network related errors and include:

• 2001 - General socket error
• 2005 - Could not reach local DNS to look up remote host
• 2006 - HTTP client aborted a web session
• < 200 - Unexpected network errors. Contact Banner Engineering if these errors occur.

Error messages that may be returned by the dynamic DNS service(s), noted as last reply, include:

• badauth - The user name and/or password does not match the host name
• nohost - The host name specified does not exist
• notfqdn - The host name is not a fully qualified domain name (not in the form of
• !yours - The host name does exist, but not under the user name given
• abuse - The host name given is blocked for abuse.

Error messages returned by the dynamic DNS service(s) that require the attention of Banner Engineering include:

• badsys - The sycodestem is not valid
• badagent - The user agent is not specified or is blocked for non-conformance to specifications
• !donator - Invalid option specified
• numhost - Too many or too few hosts found

Error messages indicating a DDNS server error will be either dnserr or 911. In both cases, wait a minimum of one hour before restarting
the system and/or contact the DDNS service to see when the problem will be resolved.


By default the Ethernet Bridge and GatewayPro systems communicate with a host system using Modbus/TCP.

The system can also use EtherNet/IP. To enable the system to use EtherNet/IP, you must be logged in as the “root” user.

1. Log in using the following user name and password. User name: root; Password: sxi.
2. At the bottom of the System > Setup > Network page is a checkbox to enable EtherNet/IP. Only select this box if the GatewayPro

system is running on an EtherNet/IP network. This change cannot be enabled from a login other than the “root” login.

3. After selecting the EtherNet/IP Enabled box, click the Set Ports button to save any changes made to the HTTP Port, Modbus Serv-

er Port, Telnet Port, and EtherNet/IP Enabled checkbox.

4. Cycle power to the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro to complete this update. After the device powers up, the changes should be


Sequence Numbers

The Omron PLC requires using sequence numbers within the Ethernet/IP packets. When using an Omrom PLC, set the radio button
selection at the bottom of the configuration page to "Always Increment."

SureCross Web Configurator

48 - tel: 763-544-3164

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