Client read map – Banner SureCross DX80 Wireless Networks User Manual

Page 34

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The unit or device number is an optional param-
eter and used primarily for organizational purpo-

Client Read Map

Use the Client Read Map tables to create maps that read data from the Modbus/TCP devices defined in the Devices page.

Maps entered on the Client Read Map page only read data from remote devices. To write data to those devices, go to the Client Write
page. For each remote register to be read, enter the register type, remote register format, register number, remote device, scale,
and local register number.

Any parameters shown may be changed and submitted by clicking the Update button, but this screen displays only an abbreviated list of
the map parameters. To view and/or modify the complete set of parameters, click on the hyperlinked map number in the left column and
use the expanded Client Read Map page.

Prev and

If there are more than 16 devices or rules/
maps, use the Prev and Next buttons to dis-
play the next screen of information.


After the remote register is read and the data
multiplied by the scale factor, the data is writ-
ten to the Local Register number.


The name is optional and used only for dis-
play purposes. The names are defined in the
Devices page using the local name field.


The local names from the Devices tab are lis-
ted in this drop-down list.


Select the format of the remote register from
integer, unsigned, double, float, or bit. An in-
teger is a 16-bit (signed) number, an un-
signed format is a 16-bit unsigned number, a
double refers to a double precision (32-bit)
value, a floating value is a floating point num-
ber, and a bit value is a single bit that can ei-
ther be a 0 or a 1 (discrete value.)


The Remote Register entry is the register
number being read in the mapping.


Select a Remote Type from the following drop-
down list: none, coil (output), discrete input, input
register, or holding register. Banner Engineering’s
SureCross™ slave devices use only input regis-
ters and holding registers. When using devices
from other manufacturers, please refer to the
manufacturer’s documentation to determine what
I/O types are used.

• None
• Coil (output). 1xxxx - Other slave devices,

write only, 1 bit

• Discrete Input. 3xxxx - Other slave devices,

read only, 1 bit

• Input Register. 3xxxx - SureCross™ slave de-

vices, read only, 16 bit

• Holding Register. 4xxxx - SureCross slave de-

vices, read/write, 16 bit

Selecting None for remote type negates the rule
though it remains in the list until deleted. Unused
rules at the end of the list always show None as
the remote type. To prevent these from displaying,
reduce the number of maps enabled on the ex-
panded view.


The raw data in the remote register is multiplied
by the scale factor to produce the data appearing

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