Scaling – Banner SureCross DX80 Wireless Networks User Manual

Page 18

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If you leave any Web Configurator screen with-
out clicking the Change button to submit the
changes to the Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro,
all changes are lost.


Click the Get button to read all device and I/O
parameters from the DX80 device and load
them into the Web Configurator screens. This
does not save the parameters to the XML file.


Setting the Packed flag communicates discrete
output point information more efficiently. Instead
of sending one message for each output
change, discrete values are packed into one
message sent to the destination device. The
packing data reduces the wireless device traffic
and improves the timing in critical applications
when multiple inputs from a single device are
connected to outputs on one other device.

The Packed flag only affects the output point
messages, the input message communication is
defined by each device I/O point. If a device I/O
point Report Type parameter is defined as dis-
crete, the input reporting messages for this
point are packed into one wireless message.
For greatest efficiency, all discrete inputs
should be defined as a discrete Report Type.


If there are more than 16 devices or rules/maps,
use the Prev and Next buttons to display the
next screen of information.


Click the Refresh button to refresh the
screen image. This updates any information
on the screen that may have changed on the


The Reset button resets any error conditions
displayed. Until the error message is reset,
the device will not start any additional opera-

Changes to
the XML

To permanently save the changes to the
XML file, go to the System > Setup > Config
File page and click the Save button.
Changes made by clicking an Update button
are temporary and only submitted to the
Ethernet Bridge or GatewayPro, not the XML


Clicking the Send button transmits device
and I/O parameters to the radio devices. The
Send operation usually requires several sec-
ond to complete.


The Scaling screen is used for converting data.

Raw data is multiplied by the Scale and added to the Offset to produce the data appearing in the floating point register associated with
the I/O point. The floating point registers start at register 1001.

SureCross Web Configurator

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